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GeneReader NGS System (ROW) - A complete solution for all of your NGS bioinformatics needs

GeneReader NGS System 9 Clonal Amplification Library Preparation Nucleic Acid Extraction Target Enrichment Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis & Interpretation Analysis and interpretation of NGS data can be time consuming and require specialist knowledge. The QIAGEN Clinical Insight (QCI™ ) platform offers all the tools you need to guide your NGS data analysis and interpretation. QCI consists of two components: QCI Analyze and QCI Interpret, which together help you to extract the greatest value from your NGS assays. QCI Analyze fully complements the GeneReader, from the setup of sequencing reactions to the automated analysis of sequencing results. This QCI module includes optimized read alignment, variant calling, filtering and integrated visualization so your lab can confirm the analytic validity of your results. QCI Analyze is automated for reliability and ease of use, and is flexible for lab-specific requirements. After reviewing your QC reports and variant data in QCI Analyze, you can continue your analysis in QCI Interpret. QCI Interpret is a tertiary analysis framework to guide variant interpretation. QCI Interpret takes your analytically valid variants and leverages the content in the QIAGEN Knowledge Base to guide scoring of your NGS variants. This is supported by our clinical content, including a comprehensive bibliography, clinical case counts, professional guidelines, drug labels and active clinical trials. The content is presented in a simplified user interface to promote fast and intuitive access to information relevant to your research, and enables editable classification of variant impact using the ACMG assessment guidelines. Our database contains over 10 million findings, 2 million ontology classes and 50 thousand disease-to-phenotype links. A complete solution for all of your NGS bioinformatics needs

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