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GeneReader NGS System (ROW) - Quality management of samples designed for your convenience along the NGS workflow

GeneReader NGS System 11 You can be assured the sample being processed through the entire workflow is of the highest quality and the appropriate concentration, using our trusted and proven quality control tools. QIAGEN offers the QIAxpert® and QuantiMIZE Kits, with hardware and software for precise quantification of your sample, providing you with the capability to save and export experimental data. Using the QIAxcel® alongside the QIAxcel High Resolution DNA Kit to check fragment sizing and concentration after target enrichment and library preparation, guarantees the accuracy of your results. Quality management of samples designed for your convenience along the NGS workflow Guaranteed results and unparalleled service at predictable costs Benefit from single vendor service for your complete NGS workflow with a single contract from your NGS partner, QIAGEN. We offer a complete package for installation, training and post-installation services with the GeneReader NGS System and ancillary equipment. This will enable you to focus on your results with peace of mind. Choose from the Basic, Full or Premium service options. Depending on your needs, we also offer in- depth training in NGS. QIAGEN is the only company with a complete product suite across molecular science, and offers a comprehensive range of Sample to Insight solutions for molecular diagnostics. Therefore we are able to offer innovative business models that help you to predict and control your annual expenses. Our pricing for the GeneReader NGS System addresses fixed-cost constraints with price-per-insight pricing.

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