In this expert webinar, Dr. Kubista will share with you the experience he and his team have gathered at the TATAA Biocenter, developing applications and providing services using digital PCR for nearly 12 years. They have experienced all the problems common to dPCR analytical workflows and developed robust standard operating procedures to minimize the risk of error and maximize robustness and repeatability, and developed various controls to test the performance and validate the methods. He will also discuss dPCR assay design and validation and then focus on strategies for copy number determination and rare mutation detection.
About the speaker
Mikael Kubista, TATAA Biocenter AB and Department of Biotechnology
Czech Academy of Sciences
Mikael Kubista, TATAA Biocenter AB and Department of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of SciencesDr. Kubista has been interested in life sciences his entire life. After his bachelor degree at Gothenburg University, Kubista joined the team at Astra Hässle (today part of AstraZeneca) studying the K+/H+-ATPase inhibitor omeprazole, which became the then most sold pharmaceutical drug under the trade names of Losec and Nexium. After postdocs at La Trobe University and Yale University, he became professor in Molecular Biotechnology at Chalmers University, where he invented the light-up probes for nucleic acid detection and founded LightUp Technologies as Europe´s first company focusing on quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) based diagnostics. In 2001, Kubista set up TATAA Biocenter as center of excellence in nucleic acid analysis with locations in Gothenburg, Sweden and Prague, Czech Republic. Since 2007, Kubista also heads the Department of Gene Expression at the Institute of Biotechnology, CAS. Kubista co-authored the MIQE guidelines for RT-qPCR analysis, which is the most cited paper in molecular diagnostics, and the digital MIQE guidelines for dPCR. TATAA Biocenter is member of the European efforts SPIDIA4P ( and CANCER-ID ( standardizing liquid biopsy testing.
Date of recording:2019年10月24日
Duration:60 minutes
Molecular Biology Research
Digital PCR