Applied testing session
About the session
Think all that wine has to do with digital PCR is that you drink it with colleagues to celebrate a successful dPCR publication? Then check out this series of lively talks and see how others rely on dPCR to analyze nucleic acids in all samples. No exaggeration necessary. There will be chickens, wine, plants and that’s not even all…
- Opening remarks from QIAGEN
- dPCR-based diagnostics to explore the One Health concept
Speaker: Dr. Olivier Couillerot, I.A.G.E., France - Quantification of Brettanomyces bruxellensis, a major wine spoilage yeast
Speaker: Tommaso Nicolato, Laboratoire EXCELL, France - Digital PCR assay for same day detection and estimation of Salmonella contamination levels in poultry rinse
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prashant Singh, Florida State University, USA - The future of biodiversity monitoring utilizing environmental DNA and digital PCR
Speaker: Dr. Abu Bakar Adibah, Department of Biology, Universiti-Pendidikan-Sultan-Idris, Malaysia - Nanoplates, adapters, and liquid handlers: Sharing the power of digital PCR in a teaching lab
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Carlos Goller, North Carolina State University, USA - Leveraging RT-dPCR to quantify transcriptional regulation in plants
Speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. Jake Brunkard, University of Wisconsin, USA - Digital PCR for detection and quantification of genetically modified organisms
Speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. David Dobnik, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Closing remarks from QIAGEN

Assistant Professor, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia
David Dobnik, PhD in Biotechnology, has been developing new nucleic acid detection/quantification approaches since 2007. These include methods for GMO detection. He and his colleagues developed the first higher-order multiplex ddPCR methods (above 4-plex) for more streamlined GMO quantification. David is a head of GMO detection laboratory (Slovenian National reference laboratory for GMO detection) and is also a SC member of European network of GMO detection laboratories. His team is involved in validation of methods for identification and quantification of new GMOs entering the European Union market, and development of new approaches for GMO quantification.

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jake is an assistant professor of Genetics at UW Madison. He received his PhD in Pat Zambryski’s lab at UC Berkeley investigating plasmodesmatal trafficking between plant cells and studied maize development in Sarah Hake’s lab at the Plant Gene Expression Center (USDA) as a postdoc. His lab studies how plants sense and respond to nutrient availability through the conserved TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR or mTOR) signaling hub.

Assistant Professor, Florida State University
Dr. Singh received his PhD from the University of Missouri before working as a post-doctorate fellow at the University of Georgia. He’s been an Assistant Professor at the
College of Health and Human Sciences at Florida State University since 2017. His research focuses on developing rapid methods for detecting foodborne pathogens.

Chief Scientific Officer, I.A.G.E.
Dr. Couillerot has a PhD in microbial ecology and ten years of experience in research and development, with five years in academic research and five years in R&D in the private sector. He has since progressively specialized in setting up R&D projects and public-private partnerships. As a partner of I.A.G.E since early 2021, Dr. Couillerot works on the valorization of results from academic research to society through innovative diagnostic methods.

Technical Director, Laboratoire EXCELL
Mr. Nicolato is an oenologist from the Veneto region who’s been studying, working and living in Bordeaux since 2014. His area of expertise is wine R&D and analytics. After gaining experience as an R&D manager in Chateau Palmer, he became a Technical Director of the EXCELL laboratory in 2019. Nowadays, he manages a team of technicians and graduates to provide top-quality analytical service and technical and analytical innovation to winemakers.

Associate Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University
Carlos C. Goller is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and teach in the Biotechnology Program at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. His research interests include molecular microbiology, metagenomics, epidemiology, history of disease, science education, and open educational practices. He is also interested in teaching with technology and the scholarship of teaching and learning.