Q-rious event
Q-rious | Episode 5

From biopsies to biomarkers – accelerate your cancer research journey

Curiosity drives science. It's also what pushes you and us to make scientific discoveries and advance research. We’re pleased to bring you an extended episode of Q-rious with more food for thought, enlightening discussions and expert insights.

Q-rious ep 5: From biopsies to biomarkers – accelerate your cancer research journey

The path from biopsies to biomarkers can be long and laborious. If you’ve ever wondered how you can simplify and accelerate your cancer research journey, then this episode of Q-rious is for you. From preanalytic considerations to the ever-evolving role of NGS and dPCR technologies in biomarker studies, this informative episode tackles some of the hottest topics in cancer research. Join QIAGEN and external experts as they share their knowledge and insights. Engage in the lively discussions with our panelists and be part of the conversation.

Get ahead of the curve – uncover the latest developments in this impactful area of research in this exciting episode. We look forward to seeing you there!

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at GGlobalQrious@qiagen.com.

Event Sessions

Dive into a discussion on the significant role of dPCR in the mutational analysis of FFPE tumor samples.

  • Digital PCR-based mutation analysis of clinical tumor samples
    Prof. Kim Tae-jung, Head of Pathology, The Catholic University of Korea, Yeouido St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
  • Panel discussion: Digital PCR applications in cancer research, tips & tricks for FFPE sample preparation and dPCR-based mutational analysis
Prof.Kim Tae-jung and 4 other experts

Explore how NGS-based cfDNA analysis can provide unique insights in cancer research.

  • Keynote lecture: ctDNA to aid clinical decision making – where do we stand?
    Prof. Ellen Heitzer, Head of Research Unit, Diagnostic & Research Institute of Human Genetics, Medical University of Graz, Austria
  • Panel discussion: Tips & tricks for liquid biopsy sample preparation, NGS and bioinformatics
Prof.Ellen Heitzer and 5 other experts

What is Q-rious?

"Q-rious" is a QIAGEN hosted infotainment show with brain food for nerds and novices. It's aimed at the inquisitive and the open-minded. In each episode, our presenters take you on a 60-minute ride through burning topics and hot trends in molecular research.

The show features ad-hoc experiments, bite-sized videos, interactive polls and quizzes, and a bearable dose of PowerPoint to prove that learning can be fun.

Have we sparked your curiosity?