Sequence - Am I dealing with the right genotype?
Sequencing technology such as Pyrosequencing not only provides sequence information, but can also detect biochemical alterations such as DNA methylation and quantify occurrence of sequence variants within a DNA population. For QC purposes, targeted sequencing is most commonly performed, targeting one or more specific regions important to the success of downstream applications and for interpretation of the information from the sequence.
Insight offered by nucleic acid sequence
In addition, the high sensitivity and quantification features of some sequencing technologies can help highlight a variant sequence among a broader population of nucleic acid samples or alert you to the presence of contaminating sequences in a sample assumed pure. In the first case, sequencing can be used to find and quantify rare mutations including SNPs in complex samples, while in latter case, sequencing can offer qualitative insight regarding the sample purity.
Relevance and impact on downstream analysis steps
Technologies for assessing nucleic acid sequence
Pyrosequencing is the technology of choice for quality control, since it is both a qualitative and quantitative method that enables rapid and accurate quantification of sequence variation. Streamlined protocols, analysis flexibility and elegant output make Pyrosequencing a highly adaptable tool for research in a broad range of disciplines.
QIAGEN solutions
While QIAGEN offers solutions for both Pyrosequencing and NGS, Pyrosequencing offers advantages over NGS for quality control and verification and validation purposes.
Pyrosequencing is a unique detection technology based on the principle of sequencing-by-synthesis and provides quantitative, real-time data without the need for gels, probes or labels. In addition to characterizing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertion-deletions (InDels) and unknown sequence variants, it can sensitively quantify allele frequencies and DNA methylation levels at both CpG and non-CpG (CpN) sites. Integrating detection and quantification of genetic variation into one powerful system, Pyrosequencing with PyroMark platforms outperforms other sequence-based solutions in the analysis of targeted, short DNA sequences. For a range of applications, this means reduced costs and time.
Find out more about other important parameters for sample QC: