Bachelor’s or master’s thesis

You want to write a thesis with practical relevance? QIAGEN is the right place for you. We enable motivated students to combine cutting-edge projects with their own ideas.

Bachelor’s or master’s thesis

Areas to write your thesis:

  • Accounting & Tax
  • Audiovisual Media
  • Business Controlling
  • Brand Management
  • Data Science & Engineering
  • Digital Experiences
  • Digital Lab & Strategy
  • Purchasing
  • Events
  • Global Internal Audit
  • Global Treasury
  • Marketing
  • Investor Relations
  • Regulatory Affairs

What you bring

  • You are studying at a university and would like to do a thesis with high practical relevance
  • You are proactive, work independently and are a real team player
  • You think analytically, are interested in innovation and want to contribute creative, new ideas
  • Very good communications skills in German and English round off your profile

What we offer

  • The paid contract period depends on the time period for writing your thesis specified in your university's exam regulations for the corresponding degree (bachelor's or  master's)
  • During the contract period, you have no designated working hours. Your work at QIAGEN serves the purpose of completing your thesis. Therefore, you can plan your time individually in consultation with your department
  • After completion of your thesis, you must provide QIAGEN with a copy of your work
meeting, pes, results, discussion, consultation, ad hoc
Interested? Apply now!

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