Cell-free DNA from liquid biopsies

From biomarker research to personalized medicine


The first QIAGEN Virtual Cancer Research event, November 5–6, focused on cell-free liquid biopsies and attracted cancer researchers from all around the world. You can enjoy the talks and discussions by joining the QIAGEN Cancer Research Community via My QIAGEN. Select any video and sign up once to gain access to all of them.

Cell-free DNA analysis – status and outlook

Dr. Ellen Heitzer, Head of Liquid Biopsy Research Laboratory, Institute of Human Genetics, Medical University of Graz, Austria

Molecular profiling from liquid biopsy, in particular cell-free DNA (cfDNA), represents an attractive alternative to tissue biopsies for the detection of actionable targets and tumor monitoring. However, with the growing complexity of next-generation sequencing-based tests, clinical interpretation of somatic genomic mutations has evolved into a formidable task. The validity of commercially available NGS kits and decision support platforms, as well as the clinical utility of cfDNA in the management of patients with cancer, has yet to be proven. In this talk, several studies evaluating various workflows for cfDNA analysis will be presented. Issues hampering the clinical implementation will be discussed.

Liquid profiling for taking care of patients – still a controversial issue?
Dr. Michael Fleischhacker, DRK Kliniken Berlin | Mitte, Germany

The most recent version of the "S3 Guidelines for Prevention, Diagnostics, Therapy and Follow-up care of lung cancer patients" (Feb 2018) asks for applying a liquid biopsy in different clinical settings. This fact clearly demonstrates the usefulness of this approach. On the other hand, we should be aware that our knowledge of extracellular nucleic acid basics is still limited. These are the two poles between which my lecture moves.

Standardized preanalytics: The key for reliable diagnostics, research and biobanking

Dr. Uwe Oelmueller, Vice President Head of MDx Development EU, Sample Technologies, QIAGEN

Compromised patients’ samples often make in vitro diagnostic and research test results unreliable or even impossible. To tackle this challenge, the EU Horizon2020 SPIDA4P consortium is developing and implementing 22 pan-European pre-analytical CEN/Technical specifications and ISO/ international standards for workflows applied to personalized medicine. These specifications, workflows and standards will apply to medical laboratories and their customers, diagnostics developers and manufacturers, regulatory authorities, biobanks and institutions performing biomedical research. Corresponding External Quality Assurance (EQA) schemes have also been developed, aiming to survey the resulting quality of samples. SPIDIA4P is ensuring broad stakeholder involvement, training, education and counseling to support standards implementation.

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cfDNA collection/stabilization and sample preparation 
Moderator: Constanze Kindler

Panelists: Dr. Martin Schlumpberger, Dr. Thorsten Voss, Raphael Werding 

Benefit from the expertise of QIAGEN scientists as they answer questions regarding the collection of samples, stabilization and preparation for cfDNA extraction.

cfDNA NGS (SNV, CNV, methyl markers) and data analysis
Moderator: Mary von Langsdorff

Panelists: Dr. Markus Storbeck, Dr. Peter Hahn, Dr. Ioanna Andreou, Dr. Leif Schauser, Raphael Werding 

Benefit from the expertise of QIAGEN scientists as they answer questions regarding NGS and data analysis of cfDNA.

cfDNA digital PCR
Moderator: Ina Scheuerpflug

Panelists: Dr. Andreas Missel, Dr. Oezlem Karalay, Dr. Michael Bussmann, Dr. Gerald Schock 

Benefit from the expertise of QIAGEN scientists as they answer questions regarding the analysis of cfDNA using digital PCR.