A woman interested in marine biology studies a jar containing a rock pool sample, Environmental and agricultural research, Microbiome, Foundation, Sample Technologies
Microbes and microbiome

Agricultural and Environmental Microbiome Research

Understanding our world

Our world is full of diverse environments, rich in complexity. And within these niches, microbes are everywhere, in the water, soil, plants and more, forming intricate species relationships and networks. Studying these can be both a stunning and staggering task. This is why we are dedicated to providing the most powerful tools for purifying and analysing challenging environmental and agricultural microbiome samples. Whether you're studying soil microbial diversity, the plant microbiome, microbial ecology, agricultural ecosystems or anything else in the environmental microbiome, our kits are designed to lyse difficult microbes and eliminate inhibitors, giving you sensitive, unbiased and repeatable results. Our workflows are designed to achieve unbiased and repeatable results by lysing difficult microbes, eliminating inhibitors, exhibiting low GC bias and integrating easy-to-use analysis solutions.

Environmental samples can come from many different sources, each with individual challenges in collection, inhibitor content, standardization and repetition. Below are helpful videos answering questions about soil samples, water sample and automated isolations.
microbiome main illustration
All-in-one metagenomics and sequencing

Metagenomic analysis shows a unique portrait of a microbial community, capturing microbial composition and providing data on environmental health and microbial diversity. We offer the full spectrum of tools that you need to work with samples, from DNA extraction to library preparation to digital metagenomic analysis. Increase reliability and repeatability by getting everything you need in our new all-in-one Microbiome WGS SeqSets powered by our DNeasy and QIAamp kits.

Environmental microbial sample preparation kit selection guide selection guide

Looking for the best kit to fit your samples? Whether it be DNA, RNA, soil, water, air, biofilm, plants & seeds or automated extractions, find the perfect kit for your environmental microbes. Download our environmental microbial sample kit selection guide now.

Sample preparation ENV AGR
Environmental microbiome interactive booklet

Did you know that we provide kits for sample extraction, instruments for downstream applications and digital tools for analysis? That’s our Sample to Insight dedication. Download our environmental microbiome interactive booklet to see all of the kits, instruments, tools and resources we offer to make improvements in environmental microbial research possible.

Environmental microbiome interactive booklet
  • Q-rious – Episode 3 | What's bugging you? Microbial secrets revealed

    Join microbiome experts for infotainment and tricks & tips revolving around all aspects of a microbial research laboratory. Show highlights include:

    • How microbiome research is changing the world.
    • Tips for preparing nucleic acid from challenging samples & sources.
    • An exploration of NGS and dPCR for microbial ID.
    • Discussion of which automation is the right fit.
    Q-rious – Episode 3
  • On-demand webinar: Multiplexed microbial quantification by digital PCR in environmental resources
    Methods used by Dr. Sebastien Wurtzer can help improve the sanitary safety of Parisian drinking water and monitor COVID-19, seasonal viral epidemics or emerging viral epidemics in raw wastewater. In this webinar, he presents a method for microbial quantification by multiplexed digital PCR.
    Sebastian Wurtzer
  • On-demand webinar: Discover the power of automation for eDNA
    Large-scale processing of environmental DNA enriches biodiversity data. But it can be time-consuming. See how automation of nucleic acid isolation reduces hands-on time and minimizes contamination in our latest on-demand webinar.
    On-demand webinar: Discover the power of automation for eDNA
  • What can Arctic microbes tell us about climate change?
    Microbial ecologist, Stefan Thiele, travels to the most remote areas of the Arctic to study microbial communities in the ice. But what can these microbes tell us about climate change, now and in the future?
  • On-demand webinar: Plastic degradation in the guts of mealworms
    The accumulation of plastics, such as polyethylene, has become a major global environmental problem. In this webinar, Ross Klauer presents his research on the digestive microbiota of the yellow mealworm, an environment capable of plastic degradation.
    Ross Klauer
  • Q-rious – Episode 3
    Q-rious – Episode 3 | What's bugging you? Microbial secrets revealed
  • Sebastian Wurtzer
    On-demand webinar: Multiplexed microbial quantification by digital PCR in environmental resources
  • On-demand webinar: Discover the power of automation for eDNA
    On-demand webinar: Discover the power of automation for eDNA
  • Arctic_Hero_Story_Stefen_Thiele
    What can Arctic microbes tell us about climate change?
  • Ross Klauer
    On-demand webinar: Plastic degradation in the guts of mealworms
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Discover the QIAGEN take on human biomedical microbiome research.