You’ve run your benchtop experiment and finally achieved NGS data. But what does it all mean? No matter what your research application, translating complex NGS data into meaningful insights can be complicated. Data analysis and interpretation are critical both to understanding your experimental results and planning your next steps. QIAGEN offers multiple best-in-class bioinformatics solutions to help uncover integrated insights faster and with minimal effort.
- Biologist-friendly: No specialist knowledge of bioinformatics, computers or scripting needed. Analyze and interpret your data using our graphically-driven software tools, with results presented in viewers that make sense to molecular biologists
- Optimized: Software solutions built with a deep understanding of the wet-lab chemistry used to power today’s DNA-seq and RNA-seq experiments and optimized to take advantage of the latest biotechnology approaches
- Content-rich: Informatics tools that take advantage of the life science industry’s most comprehensive and up-to-date databases of curated biological content
Learn what our customers are saying about our QIAseq DNA panels and our bioinformatics solutions for analysis and interpretation of NGS data.
Fast and easy sequencing data interpretation.
Anna Stittrich, Primary Investigator, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
QCI-I saves a significant amount of time, especially for panels without common pathogenic variants.