Microbiome samples can be very precious. Yet, purified nucleic acids are often contaminated with inhibitory substances, e.g., heme in stool, humic acids in soil or polysaccharides in plants. These inhibitors are a potential source of analytical interference. QIAcube Connect provides maximum standardization in microbiome sample preparation through the highest degree of automation, including the processing of the patented Inhibitor Removal Technology (IRT). Join our webinar and experience QIAcube Connect in combination with our comprehensive microbiome nucleic acid isolation kits, preparing high-quality samples from challenging sources for reliable downstream analysis.
About the speaker
Dörte Lehmann, Ph.D., Scientist
Dörte Lehmann obtained her Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Rostock, Germany, focusing on metabolic engineering of bacteria. Then she took a postdoctoral fellow position at the University of Loyola in Chicago, USA studying the formation of bacterial spores, before joining QIAGEN in 2018.Currently, she is a scientist in QIAGEN’s microbiome team.
Bastian Nicolai, MS, Global Product Manager
Bastian Nicolai obtained his Master of Science in Molecular and Applied Biotechnology in 2014 from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, focusing on the directed evolution of enzymes. With his scientific background and several years of marketing and product management experience in the life science arena, he is currently a Global Product Manager for automated solutions at QIAGEN with a focus on sample preparation.
Date of recording:2021년 9월 23일 목요일
Duration:35 minutes
Academic Basic Research
DNA Isolation
RNA Isolation