Discovering new genes implicated in hereditary diseases or cancer progression is challenging yet advancing rapidly due to the increase in next-generation sequencing (NGS) cohort data. These data analyses produce insights into associations between gene variants and diseases and the biological mechanisms of these gene variants.

By combining QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workb-ench, QCII-T and QIAGEN IPA, you can analyze sequencing data obtained from a variety of NGS technologies, annotate gene variants using the world’s most comprehensive and up-to-date curated scientific evidence and find biological connections in gene variants with manually curated scientific findings. Using a streamlined NGS analysis workflow, you’ll get valuable and reliable insights for your research project and speed up your discoveries.

In this training, you’ll:

  • Learn to import whole genome or exosome sequencing data into QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench and use the ultra-fast LightSpeed Module that delivers an end-to-end NGS FASTQ to VCF pipeline
  • Explore the capabilities in QCII-T which can help accelerate your discoveries from hereditary or tumor cohort analyses to find associations between gene variants and diseases
  • Learn how to use QIAGEN IPA and its manually curated content, among other integrated scientific evidence, to uncover novel biological mechanisms underlying these gene variants


About the speaker
Tim Hou, PhD, Field Application Scientist
QIAGEN Digital Insights
Tim Hou, PhD, is a Field Application Scientist with QIAGEN Digital Insights. Prior to joining QIAGEN in 2022, Dr. Hou Received his PhD in Biochemistry from Texas A&M University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Date of recording:Thursday, 25 April, 2024
Duration:60 minutes
Bioinformatic - Analysis
Informatics & Data