ESG Ratings

Our environment, social and governance (ESG) performance is reviewed on a regular basis by various independent ratings agencies. We welcome the feedback and collaboration with these important stakeholders – as well as many other stakeholders – and reflect on their views about our performance and transparency.

QIAGEN is currently concentrating its engagement on these three international ratings agencies, all of which also provide ratings on QIAGEN based on other financial metrics.

The ratings and feedback provided by various ESG rating agencies help us to continuously improve our performance. Our scores reflect the increase in scope and transparency of our ESG data reporting since 2019 – and our commitment to deliver further improvements.

Building on the foundation of ratings from these agencies, we are reviewing opportunities to expand this list and share the results with our stakeholders.

Rating agency 2024

Climate: B - Management Level
Water: C - Awareness Level

ISS-ESG B- Prime
Science Based Targets Validated
Low risk



CDP is a global environmental non-profit organization founded in 2000 to encourage companies to disclosure environmental data, particularly on carbon emissions. They rate companies from A to D- based on their environmental performance and transparency. These ratings help stakeholders access companies´ sustainability efforts


EcoVadis is a leading provider of sustainability ratings for global supply chains. Their platform assesses companies' environmental, social, and ethical performance based on various criteria, including labor practices, human rights, ethics, and environmental impact. EcoVadis provides ratings on a scale from Bronze to Platinum, with Platinum indicating the highest level of sustainability performance and Bronze indicating the lowest. These ratings help organizations make informed decisions about their supply chain partners and drive sustainability improvements throughout their operations.


ISS-ESG analyzes a company’s management of ESG issues on the basis of up to 100 ratings criteria, most of them sector-specific. The ratings span from D- to A+. PRIME STATUS is awarded to companies with an ESG performance above the sector-specific Prime threshold. In the case of the Health Care Equipment & Supplies sector that QIAGEN falls into, this threshold is C+.


MSCI’s ESG Rating is designed to measure a company’s resilience to long-term, industry material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. Their ESG Ratings range from leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC). 

Science Based Targets

The Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) helps companies align emissions reduction targets with climate science to combat global warming, ensuring compliance with the Paris Agreement. Recognizing companies for achieving science-based targets, it demonstrates their commitment to credible climate action. QIAGEN N. V.´s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets have been successfully validated by the SBTi.


Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings measure a company's exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks.