Tackling TB together: Our shared fight for a TB-free future
TB Management

Global TB Summit

Tuberculosis (TB) affects millions globally, overtaking COVID-19 as the leading infectious killer. Can we still achieve the World Health Organization's (WHO) goal to end the global TB epidemic by 2035, reducing TB deaths by 95%?

The Global TB Summit is back to unite us in this critical mission under the theme, "Tackling TB Together: Our shared fight for a TB-free future.”

For over a decade, the summit has connected TB doctors, fighters, and advocates. It’s a hub for sharing the latest in TB testing and treatment, telling powerful patient and nurse stories and highlighting TB warriors worldwide. This is where the conversation about TB continues and evolves, and you’re invited to join us.

It's not just a summit, it’s our shared fight for a TB-free future.

Want to be part of the global effort to end TB?
Join our shared fight for a TB-free future at the Global TB Summit 2024.
Can’t attend live? No worries. Register now, and we'll send you the recording after the event.
Block 1: TB and the current landscape: Time in CET
14:00–14:10 Welcome and introduction
Chair, Prof. Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Imperial College London, England
14:10–14:40 Epidemiology of TB in the WHO European region 2024
Dr. Askar Yedilbayev, WHO-EU, Regional Adviser, TB and DR-TB, Division of Communicable
Diseases, Environment and Health
14:40–15:10TB and vaccines
Prof. Hazel M. Dockrell, Professor of Immunology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Medicine, England
15:10–15:30 Break
Block 2: People within the current TB landscape: Time in CET
15:30–16:00Facilitating healthy migration:
IOM experience in integrating TB/LTB screening and treatment in the regular
migration pathways

Dr. Alexander Klosovsky, Senior Migration Health Advisor, Global Health Security, International Organization
for Migration, Switzerland
16:00–16:30Person-centered strategies to address
the socioeconomic determinants and consequences of tuberculosis

Dr. Tom Wingfield, Reader in Tuberculosis and Social Medicine, Deputy Director of LSTM Centre for TB Research & LIV-TB Lead;
Honorary Research Associate, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Block 3: Advances in TB: Time in CET
16:45–17:15Novel diagnostics
Dr. Morten Ruhwald, Director Tuberculosis, FIND, Switzerland
17:15–17:45New shorter regimens for rifampicin-resistant

Dr. Lorenzo Guglielmetti, Infectious Diseases Consultant and Epidemiologist, National Reference Center for Mycobacteria
in Paris, France
17:45–18:00Conclusion and close of Day 1
Block 1: TB update from APEC: Time in CET
9:00–9:10 Welcome and introduction
9:10–9:40 Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission analysis by whole genome sequencing
Prof. Satoshi Mitarai M.D, Professor of Basic Mycobacteriosis, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,
Nagasaki University and Director (Professor) of The Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan
9:40–10:10 MDR-TB treatment in China
Prof. Wei Sha, Chief Physician and Professor, Director of the Clinical Medical Center for Infectious Diseases (Tuberculosis Department),
Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, China
10:10–10:40 Toward precision TB preventive therapy
Prof. Jann-Yuan Wang, Division of Chest, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital and President,
Taiwan Society of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
10:40–11:00 Break
11:00–11:30 Community-driven efforts of the COMMIT project to combat TB in Cambodia
Dr. Sovanvorleak Tep, Research Officer, KHANA, Cambodia,
11:30–12:00 Updating the Singapore TB clinical guidelines: Screening for TB infection
Prof. Hsu Li Yang, National University of Singapore, Vice Dean, Singapore
12:00–12:30 Implementation of IGRA for TB infection testing in India: Findings and learnings
Dr. Shamim Mannan, Associate Director and TB Lead, Clinton Health Access Initiative, India
12:30–12:45 Conclusion and close of Day 2, Block 1
Block 2: TB update from the Americas: Time in CET
14:00–14:10 Welcome and introduction
Chair, Prof. Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Imperial College, England
14:10–14:40 What should we do to end TB?
Prof. Carlton A Evans FRCP PhD MBE, Professor of Global Health, Imperial College London,
UK and Head of Innovation for Health and Development, Asociacion Benefica PRISMA, Peru
14:40–15:10 Modelo de Atención Integral para pacientes con Tuberculosis (Integral care model for patients with tuberculosis)
Dr. Isaías Orozco Andrade, Head of the Tuberculosis Clinic of the Children's Hospital of Specialty of Ciudad Juarez
and Medical Coordinator of the Binational Tuberculosis Project JUNTOS in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.
15:10–15:40 TB infection detection and treatment in low-resource scenarios
Dr. Rosa Herrera, Director of the School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Durango,
Mexicali Campus, México
15:40–16:00 Break
16:00–16:30 Detection and prevention of tuberculosis among new arrivals in Chicago
Dr. Kathy Ritger, MD, MPH, Medical Director, Tuberculosis Program Chicago
Department of Public Health, Chicago, USA
16:30–17:00 Healthcare workers: TB update
Dr. Melanie Swift, Interim Chair, Division of Public Health, Infectious Diseases and Occupational Medicine,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
17:00–17:15 Conclusion and close of Day 2, Block 2
Block: Risk groups special: Time in CET
9:00–9:10 Welcome and introduction
Chair, Prof. Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Imperial College London, England
Spotlight: TB and pediatrics
9:10–9:40 Management of children exposed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Prof. James Seddon, Professor of Global Child Health at Imperial College, Consultant
in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, St. Mary's Hospital, England
9:40–10:10 TB treatment shortening in children: Results of the SHINE trial
Dr. Elizabeth Whittaker, Senior Clinical Lecturer in paediatric infectious diseases
and immunology, Imperial College, England
10:10–10:30 Break
Spotlight: Migrant health
10:30–11:00 Defining a migrant-inclusive tuberculosis research agenda to end TB
Prof. Alberto Matteelli, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
Spotlight: Diabetes
11:00–11:30 TB and diabetes
Prof. Manish Pareek, Clinical Professor in Infectious Disease, University of Leicester, England
Spotlight: HIV
11:30–12:00 TB and HIV
Prof. Anton Pozniak, Consultant physician in HIV Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, England
12:00–12:10 Conclusion and close of Day 3
Hybrid block in London: Time in CET (BST in parentheses)
Welcome and introduction
Chair, Prof. Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Imperial College, England
Keynote: How to get governments to act on TB?
Nick Herbert (Lord Herbert of South Downs CBE PC), founder and Global Chair of the Global TB Caucus,
Member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom Parliament
TB services in England: A GIRFT review
Dr. Martin Allen, Consultant Physician, GIRFT National Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine and National
Specialty Adviser for Physiological Science, NHS, England
TB action plan for England
Dr. Esther Robinson, Head of the TB Unit at UKHSA, England
Steve Hindle, Infectious Diseases Programme Manager, Prevention and Long Term Conditions Team,
Medical Directorate, NHS England
TB and silicosis in miners: Challenges and opportunities
Dr. Patrick Howlett, MRC Clinical Research Fellow, Imperial College London, England
Sub-clinical TB
Dr. Hanif Esmail, Clinical Senior Lecturer, Institute of Clinical Trials & Methodology,
University College London, England
TB stories-data with soul
Dr. Padmasayee Papineni, Consultant in Infectious Diseases at London North West University NHS Trust, England
Championing and challenges: working in TB outreach
Ahmed Yassin, Outreach TB Worker, Ealing TB service, NHS, England
Role of whole genome sequence in surveillance and diagnostics
Dr. Andrea Cabibbe, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Pleural Tuberculosis: The knowns and Unknowns
Dr. Jane Shaw, Pulmonologist and Clinical Researcher, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Clinical TB cases
TB case 1: Pulmonary tuberculosis and severe respiratory failure
Dr. Matthew Burman, Respiratory Consultant at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, England
TB case 2: Treating the untreatable: Treatment and ethical issues in functionally pan-resistant TB
Dr. Patrick Lillie, Consultant, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, England
TB case 3: Drug Dilemmas: Complex TB case with discussing MDR TB treatment.
Dr Mirae Park, Consultant Respiratory Physician Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust – St Mary’s Hospital, England
Dr. David Connell, Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Dundee, England
Conclusion and close of the summit
Chair, Prof. Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Imperial College London, England
TB is one of the world's most deadly infectious diseases. Here’s your chance to fight TB.

Global TB Summit 2024: What to expect?

The Global TB Summit brings together everyone involved in the fight against TB — doctors, nurses, advocates, survivors and patients. Together, we can make a real difference.

Join over 35 TB experts and thousands of attendees from all over the world and be part of the global effort to end TB.

  • When: October 8–11, 2024
  • Where: Online (October 8–10), hybrid at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in London (October 11)
  • How much: Free to register and attend
  • What: CPD- and CME-accredited educational event

Global TB Summit 2024: Who should attend?

  • TB fighters: Learn about the latest research and innovations
  • Healthcare professionals: Gain clinical insights and best practices
  • Advocates: Network and share your passion for ending TB
  • Survivors and patients: Your experiences and voices are vital to our mission

Global TB Summit 2024: Highlights

The summit will bring together over 35 top TB experts to share insights and strategies, complemented by inspiring personal stories from patients and nurses on the frontlines and community initiatives to motivate and educate attendees. Here are some of the expert talks you can look forward to:

  • Global TB updates
  • Regional updates from Asia Pacific, Europe and the Americas
  • Advances in TB vaccines
  • TB amidst global conflicts
  • TB infection control
  • Novel diagnostics and treatments
  • Special focus on risk groups (children, migrants, diabetes patients, those with HIV)
Are you prepared to contribute to a TB-free future?
Join our shared fight for a TB-free future at the Global TB Summit 2024.
Can’t attend live? No worries. Register now, and we'll send you the recording after the event.