Habitat destruction, agricultural intensification and the illegal wildlife trade are just some of the threats to the rich biodiversity in the Philippines. Dr. Ian Kendrich Fontanilla uses DNA extraction to guide conservation efforts and turn the tide on mass extinction.
We are losing our biodiversity due to illegal wildlife trade and this is a rampant problem that we have to deal with.
Dr. Ian Kendrich Fontanilla, Head of the Institute of Biology at the University of the Philippines
In wildlife law enforcement, if they know where these specimens were collected, they can focus their efforts in trying to mitigate the illegal traffic of this species from that particular area.
Dr. Ian Kendrich Fontanilla, Head of the Institute of Biology at the University of the Philippines
The major benefit of using QIAGEN products is that they are guaranteed to get a high yield of DNA from our DNA extraction regardless of tissue type.
Dr. Ian Kendrich Fontanilla, Head of the Institute of Biology at the University of the Philippines
October 2020