Unraveling the mutational landscape of myeloid neoplasms
Myeloid neoplasms are a group of diseases characterized by a wide range of mutations across multiple genes, including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. These genes include CALR and CEBPA for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and TP53 or RB1 for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Targeted NGS has the potential to reveal the mutational landscape of myeloid neoplasms comprehensively. But everything hinges on choosing the right panel. Low allele frequency of variants, high GC content, low enrichment of target DNA and ultra-long workflows can delay insights. Skip the drama and detect low-frequency variants with high confidence. Our QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Panel for myeloid neoplasms has been developed with your challenges in mind.
Top 5 reasons why you should upgrade to the QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Human Myeloid Neoplasms Focus Panel:
« Le temps d’intervention pour préparer la banque QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro est réduit à environ 6 heures, ce qui signifie que nous pouvons réaliser une préparation de banque en une journée. C’est très intéressant pour les laboratoires de recherche sur le cancer, pour lesquels les délais de traitement sont courts. »
Dr Barnaby Clark, chef de laboratoire pour la médecine de précision au Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust