MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNA sequences that play a significant role in gene expression regulation. As miRNA research evolves rapidly with increasing interest in their potential role in diseases, there's a growing need for applicable and validated methods to study the expression and biological function of miRNAs. However, miRNA research presents unique challenges, from miRNA isolation and detection to miRNA sequencing and miRNA data analysis.
Our comprehensive Sample to Insight solutions are designed to help you overcome challenges in your miRNA workflow. Additionally, we have a selection of informative webinars and support services to enhance your miRNA research. Explore the miRNA resource center to discover these valuable information and tools for your research needs.
Navigating the miRNA workflow
MiRNA research requires advanced tools to accurately identify their function and essential roles in gene expression regulation. The rapid advancement of highly sensitive technologies for miRNA profiling has become a central part of many research workflows. Consequently, a comprehensive and integrated miRNA workflow can effectively address the potential challenges in miRNA research.
Our Sample to Insight solutions for miRNA research include everything from miRNA isolation and miRNA library prep for next-generation sequencing to miRNA analysis tools. Additionally, our miRNA quantification assays use digital PCR and qPCR technologies that ensure specificity and sensitivity for accurate miRNA detection. Our advanced miRNA sequencing paired with bioinformatics tools provides a comprehensive miRNA profiling and analysis solution. Streamline your workflow – from miRNA purification to detailed miRNA analysis.
Explore our comprehensive approach to miRNA research. Click on the workflow to learn more.
Want to try out a new miRNA kit for the first time?
Find something you think can enhance your miRNA research? If I you are first time-user, request your trial kit today.
miRNeasy Tissue/Cells Advanced Kit
miRNA isolation from cells and tissue
Enhance miRNA extraction from cells and tissue samples with our advanced, phenol-free kits with genomic DNA eliminator – ideal for small samples as well.
miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit
miRNA extraction from serum and plasma
Achieve miRNA extraction from serum and plasma samples with our phenol-free kit, designed for benchtop use and suitable for minimal sample volumes.
miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR Starter Kit
miRNA quantification using LNA probe-based qPCR
Quantify miRNA with our sensitive, LNA-optimized probe sets, also ideal for low-content samples like serum, plasma and urine
QIAseq miRNA Library Kit
Library prep for miRNA sequencing
Prepare miRNA library for miRNA sequencing with our gel-free method, unique molecular indices (UMIs) and access to RNA-seq Analysis Portal.
miRNA information hub
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FAQS about miRNA
- Shang R, Lee S, Senavirathne G, Lai EC. microRNAs in action: biogenesis, function and regulation. Nat Rev Genet. 2023;24(12):816-833.
- Hammond SM. An overview of microRNAs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2015;87:3-14.