FIGG democratized – find answers for victims
Since the 2018 conviction of Joseph DeAngelo, also known as the Golden State Killer, more than a thousand cases have been solved using FIGG. Using DNA to solve cases is not new, but next-generation sequencing using with (NGS)-based processes with genealogical databases like GEDmatch PRO have helped investigators find leads that weren’t available before. We provide law enforcement with the necessary resources such as training, case consultation and access to a community of FIGG experts to democratize and protect this investigative technique.
GEDmatch PRO
GEDmatch PRO is a dedicated forensic portal for kinship estimation in cases of unidentified human remains, missing persons and violent crimes. It supports upload of SNP reports (kits) that WGS, microarrays and targeted sequencing generate, enabling comparisons against profiles voluntarily shared in GEDmatch.
Explore GEDmatchPROMaking FIGG routine, cost-effective and sustainable
More than a thousand cold cases have been resolved since 2018 with the power of FIGG. Law enforcement professionals have access to resources and strategies to make FIGG routine, cost-effective and sustainable.
Follow this webinar series to learn about:
- Optimizing your relationship with other forensic specialists
- Working with forensic programs at universities
- Communicating the impact of FIGG to your leadership
- Success stories and accessing both public and private funding sources
- Genealogical research principles, toolsets and best practices
This 5-part webinar series is brought to you by QIAGEN HID, and the steward of GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO. A certificate will be awarded to attendees who complete all 6 parts.