Webinar part 1 - Using the power of eDNA to scale biodiversity data: Tips and tricks by NatureMetrics

Businesses and governments are waking up to the need for better data on nature. At NatureMetrics, we believe “that which is measured improves” and our latest environmental DNA (eDNA) innovations are enabling robust biodiversity measurements and data to be generated at scale. Our DNA-based monitoring technologies boost the power and pace of existing biodiversity data flows – affordably and in a manageable time – using standardized protocols that allow for data to be comparable over space and time. 

The ubiquity and uniqueness of DNA allows us to capture biodiversity data from traces of DNA left in the environment. It allows us to fill knowledge gaps on many living things, including those that are rare or difficult to survey. From bacteria to blue whales and from pole to pole, we help monitor biodiversity in contexts ranging from conservation and infrastructure to environmental impact assessments. 

In this webinar, we'll show how we use QIAGEN products to unlock the potential of DNA data, how they have helped us scale our offerings, and provide top tips and tricks from our industry-leading scientists that can help you to implement and improve your workflows.

Webinar part 2 - eDNA and QIAGEN capabilities for adapting sample prep protocols

The importance and need for standardization and higher throughput of eDNA extraction from microbiome samples is increasing. Here’s where the QIAcube HT instrument can help. Designed for automated mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format, the instrument can be optimized and adapted to customer-specific manual sample extraction methods.

In this webinar, the Application Lab of QIAGEN presents its capabilities to help and support customers on how to adjust and customize automated QIAcube HT extraction protocols to their needs and requirements.

About the speaker
Cuong Tang (CT), Ph.D., Lead Scientist
NatureMetrics Ltd., Guildford, UK
Over the past decade, CT has focused on biodiversity monitoring using high-throughput DNA techniques. Starting with a Ph.D. in DNA taxonomy from Imperial College, London, he went on to complete postdocs at the Natural History Museum (London) and Imperial College, researching pollinator and plant biodiversity through a DNA lens.CT joined NatureMetrics in 2016 and established the laboratory methods to analyze and assess DNA from water, soil, feces, and tissue. He also played an instrumental role in the commercialization of environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques – CT’s methodologies are used by NatureMetrics to deliver thousands of DNA-based biodiversity projects. In his current role as Lead Scientist, CT heads the team that strives to improve the quality, throughput, efficiency, sustainability and scale of eDNA analysis and surveys.
Henning Risch, Senior Application Specialist, Life Science Instrumentation, Application Lab
Henning completed a vocational apprenticeship as a Biological Technical Assistant (BTA) at the “Naturwissenschaftliches Technikum Landau,” Germany. He started at QIAGEN in 1992 as a BTA in the sequencing group. After moving to the newly established automation department, he became Application Specialist focused on instrumentation. He was responsible for the optimization of automated plasmid DNA extraction on the first robotic systems at QIAGEN.From 2000–2008, Henning gained experience with different automated systems at Beckman-Coulter, Biofrontera Pharmaceuticals and Macherey-Nagel before returning to QIAGEN. Since 2009, he’s worked in the QIAGEN Application Lab, and is now a senior specialist on several QIAGEN instruments including the QIAgility, QIAcube, and the QIAcube HT.
Date of recording:Dienstag, 15. November 2022
Duration:90 minutes
Environmental Testing
Nucleic Acid Isolation
Molecular Biology