QIAwave Miniprep Kit – 更环保的质粒提取

用于提取最多达 20 μg 分子生物学级质粒 DNA 的标准试剂盒环保替代方案

立即联系我们的团队,为您的 QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50) 试用版试剂盒索取报价。

QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50) icon_0368_ls_gen_eco_friendly-s

目录编号 / ID.   27204

QIAprep 2.0 Spin Columns, Waste Tubes (2 ml), Reagents  
SGD 153.00
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Eco-friendlier kit
Eco-friendlier Collection Tubes
QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50) 旨在用于分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。
立即联系我们的团队,为您的 QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50) 试用版试剂盒索取报价。


  • 质粒 DNA 质量和性能与 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 相同
  • 与 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 相比,可减少多达 22% 的塑料和多达 14% 的纸板
  • 由 100% 消费后再生塑料制成的重复使用型废液管
  • 缓冲浓缩液比标准缓冲液少用 93% 的塑料



QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 是标准 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 的环保型版本。QIAwave Kit 比我们的标准试剂盒少用多达 22% 的塑料和 14% 的纸板,并提供由 100% 消费后回收塑料制成的废液管,您可以在整个过程中重复使用。QIAwave 缓冲液为浓缩液,每瓶可减少 93% 的塑料用量。为节省纸张,试剂盒中没有印刷的方案。您可以从资源列表中下载方案,或扫描试剂盒包装盒内的二维码。虽然我们的 QIAwave Kit 包装和组件看起来有所不同,但其与我们的标准试剂盒一样易于使用,化学成分和性能也完全相同。


我们还与 My Green Lab 合作,评估了该试剂盒对环境的影响。My Green Lab ACT 标签旨在根据若干可持续性标准对产品进行评估和评分。其中包括:

• 制造
• 负责任的化学品管理
• 产品和包装材料中的可持续内含物
• 包装报废时的处置

除能耗和水耗分别按每 kWh 或每加仑 1 分计分外,其他产品均按 1-10 分计分。分数低意味着对环境的影响较小 – 见图“QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit ACT 环境影响因子标签 US  50/ 250、EU  50/ 250 和 UK 50/ 250”)。

QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 设计用于在常规分子生物学应用中分离最多达 20 μg 高纯度质粒或柯斯质粒 DNA,如荧光和放射性测序和克隆。使用 QIAprep 高产补充方案可以获得更高的产量(可达 30 μg)。建议将此试剂盒与 QIAvac 24 Plus 一起使用,以获得最佳结果。




因为化学成分相同,所以 QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 和 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 性能相同。我们还表明,这两款试剂盒的性能均优于竞争对手的试剂盒(见图“ QIAwave Kit 性能”)。

QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 能够在常规分子生物学应用中纯化最多达 20 ug 分子生物学级质粒 DNA 或柯斯质粒 DNA,如 PCR、测序和克隆。

QIAprep 2.0 Spin Columns 用途广泛,您可以将其用于微型离心机、真空歧管或 QIAcube Connect 上(见图“QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column 处理选项: 微型离心机 真空歧管 自动化系统”)。真空程序使处理更简单,样本处理更快捷。QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column 也可用 QIAvac 24 Plus 或任何其他带有鲁尔接头的商用歧管进行真空处理。

格式 离心柱
纯化模块 QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column
通量 1–24 个样本
制备时间 30 分钟内完成 24 个小提
所需设备 微型离心机或真空歧管;使用 QIAcube Connect 进行全自动运行
裂解物澄清 离心
柱储液罐容量 800 µL
最小洗脱缓冲液体积 50 µL
高拷贝质粒培养容量 1–5 mL
低拷贝质粒/科斯质粒培养容量 1–10 mL

纯化得到的 DNA 可用于限制性酶切(参见图“ 用各种限制性内切酶进行完全酶切”)。

我们还比较了使用 QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50) 缓冲液和 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (50) 标准缓冲液通过倾倒或移液方式获得的质粒 DNA 产量。如图“ 缓冲浓缩液的处理”所示,两种方法的产量相当。




QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column 含独特的硅胶膜,在高浓度离液盐中可结合多达 20 μg DNA,然后用少量低盐缓冲液洗脱。QIAprep 膜技术去除了耗时的苯酚/氯仿提取和乙醇沉淀,并解决了树脂松散和稀浆带来的问题与不便。从 QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column 洗脱得到的高纯度质粒 DNA 可直接使用,无需沉淀、浓缩或脱盐。



使用 QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep 进行 DNA 质粒纯化只需简单的结合-洗涤-洗脱程序(参见流程图“ QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep 程序”)。


2.将清除的裂解物加入 QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column。此时,质粒 DNA 吸附在硅胶膜上,杂质被洗去。

3.然后,用少量洗脱缓冲液或水洗脱,得到纯 DNA。

除了从 E. coli 纯化得到质粒外,QIAwave Plasmid Mini Kit 还可以用于从 Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBacillus subtilisAgrobacterium tumefaciens 中纯化得到质粒 DNA。如果您需要获取相关应用的实验方案,请与 QIAGEN 技术服务团队或您的本地经销商联系。

QIAwave 缓冲液是浓缩液,您可以通过加水和/或乙醇方便地重新配制;详情请查阅手册。QIAwave QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column 和 Waste Tube 为独立包装袋,需要在开始实验方案前预先组装。这需要多花一点时间,但确实减少了塑料垃圾。

QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 可在 QIAcube Connect 上使用 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 实验方案进行自动操作。




QIAwave Plasmid Miniprep Kit 可重复提取高纯度 DNA,以适合用于大多数应用,包括:

  • PCR
  • 限制性酶切
  • 连接和转化
  • 测序
  • 筛选




ProcessingManual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Plasmid typeHigh-copy, low-copy, cosmid DNA
Culture volume/starting material1–10 ml culture volume
Elution volume50–200 µl
TechnologySilica technology
Time per run or prep per run<30 minutes
Yield<150 ug
Samples per run (throughput)1–24 samples per run
Number of preps per run1–24 samples per run


应用与实验方案 (1)
Step up your sustainability by recycling your labware. This handy guide will show you how to quickly and easily recycle kit components and reduce plastic waste in your lab.
产品介绍与指南 (3)
This fact sheet explains the inclusion of QIAwave Kits in our Go Greener program.
快速启动实验方案 (1)
试剂盒操作手册 (1)
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


What is the advantage of running an analytical gel with fractions of my plasmid preparation?

Running fractions saved from each step in the plasmid preparation procedure on an agarose gel enables monitoring the performance of each crucial step in the protocol. If the plasmid DNA is of low yield or quality, the samples can be analyzed to determine at what stage of the purification procedure the difficulty occurred.

Aliquots can be taken from the cleared lysate and the flow-throughs as indicated in the relevant protocols, precipitated with isopropanol and resuspended in a small volume of TE buffer.

Please see the Troubleshooting Section of the QIAprep Miniprep Handbook and Appendix A of the QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Handbook for instructions, and a picture and legend explaining the typical results you may see. You can also access this information on our Plasmid Resource Pages.

FAQ ID -769
I don’t have any glassware in the lab, is the QIAwave kit still a good option for me?
The concept of QIAwave includes the reconstitution of functional buffers. We recommend the use of glass bottles for this procedure. Glass bottles are easier to clean, sterilize and reuse than plastic bottles, further reducing the plastic footprint of the kit. If you do not have the option of using clean glass or plastic bottles, we recommend using our legacy kits. 
FAQ ID - 3989

What is the recipe for LB?
Preparation of LB medium: Dissolve 10 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, and 10 g NaCl in 800 ml dH2O. Adjust the pH to 7.0 with 1 N NaOH. Adjust the volume to 1 liter with dH2O. Sterilize by autoclaving.
FAQ ID -212
How do I know if my plasmid is a high- or low copy number type?

Find out which origin of replication your plasmid contains, and look at the table below for classification into high-copy or low-copy types. This table can also be found online at the QIAGEN Plasmid Resource Center in the section 'Growth of bacterial cultures; Plasmid Copy Number' . A way to determine experimentally if the copy number of your plasmid is high or low is to perform a miniprep. A high-copy plasmid should yield between 3-5 ug DNA per 1 ml LB culture, while a low-copy plasmid will yield between 0.2-1 ug DNA per ml of LB culture.


Origins of replication and copy numbers of various plasmids and cosmids

DNA construct Origin of Replication Copy number Classification
pUC vectors pMB1* 500–700 high copy
pBluescript® vectors ColE1 300–500 high copy
pGEM® vectors pMB1* 300–400 high copy
pTZ vectors pMB1* >1000 high copy
pBR322 and derivatives pMB1* 15–20 low copy
pACYC and derivatives p15A 10–12 low copy
pSC101 and derivatives pSC101 ~5 very low copy
SuperCos pMB1* 10-20 low copy
pWE15 ColE1 10-20 low copy

* The pMB1 origin of replication is closely related to that of ColE1 and falls in the same incompatibility group. The high-copy plasmids listed here contain mutated versions of this origin.

FAQ ID -350
Can I eliminate RNase A from buffer P1 for my plasmid preparation to obtain RNase-free DNA for in-vitro transcription?
No, RNase A should not be omitted from buffer P1. It is required to prevent RNA contamination of the purified plasmid DNA. RNase A will not interfere with downstream in-vitro transcription experiments, since it will be efficiently removed during the plasmid purification procedures using QIAGEN Plasmid Kits.
FAQ ID -366
I left Buffer P1 at room temperature after addition of RNase A, what shall I do?

Buffer P1 with RNase A used in QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Kits should be fine at room temperature for a few days. We would expect the enzyme to have some residual activity. However, optimal results cannot be guaranteed after storage at room temperature. If you notice that RNase A activity is substantially reduced, you can add fresh RNase A to your buffer.

We recommend that Buffer P1 with RNase A be stored in the refrigerator (2–8°C). RNase A will be stable for 6 months under this condition.

FAQ ID -859
Can the QIAwave kits be recycled?
We provided an infographic describing the composition of most of our purification kits. You can use the information provided as a guide to recycle kit components and use it to reduce plastic waste in your laboratory. Depending on the specific kit and application, certain kit components may contain or come into contact with chemicals and biological samples, in this case, the components should be disposed of according to local guidelines and regulations. You can find more information on More Sustainable Products (qiagen.com).
FAQ ID - 3992
What water should I use to prepare the buffer concentrates?
We recommend using highly pure water for reconstitution. Ultrapure water (such as the one from MilliQ system, also known as type 1 water) with a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ-cm at 25°C can be used. In case you do not have access to type 1 water, QIAGEN offers Nuclease-Free Water (5 L, cat. No. 129117); and Nuclease-Free Water (1000 mL, cat. No. 129115). It is important that you do not use tap water as this may interfere with the extraction of the target analyte. 
FAQ ID - 3986

How do I perform a DNA precipitation to concentrate my sample?
  • Add 1/10 volume of 3 M Na-Acetate pH 5.2, and 2 to 2.5 volumes of ice-cold 100% ethanol to the DNA sample
  • Mix, and store at –20°C for at least 1 h to precipitate the DNA
  • Recover the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at full speed in a microcentrifuge for 15–20 min
  • Pour off the ethanol and wash the pellet twice with room-temperature 70% ethanol
  • Allow the DNA pellet to air-dry
  • resuspend the DNA in a suitable volume of sterile TE buffer or distilled water
FAQ ID -305
With LyseBlue reagent for lysis control, can I now process more bacterial culture and overload the columns?

No. The maximum culture volumes recommended for QIAGEN's plasmid preparation kits still apply, and should be strictly followed. LyseBlue reagent now allows the user to monitor potential problems (insufficient bacterial cell resuspension and lysis as a consequence of overloading) early in the plasmid preparation process.

FAQ ID -864
What is the recipe for 2x YT?
2x YT medium, per liter 16 g tryptone 10 g yeast extract 5 g NaCl Media Preparation and Bacteriological Tools. Edited by: Fred M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Robert E. Kingston, David D. Moore, J.G. Seidman, John A. Smith, Kevin Struhl Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (1994), Section 1.1.3.
FAQ ID -213
What are the additional plasmid bands I see on my gel?

Open circular plasmid, resulting from single strand nicks, usually migrates slower in agarose gels and forms (faint) bands above the supercoiled plasmid DNA band. Sometimes an additional band of denatured supercoiled DNA migrates just below the supercoiled form. This form may result from prolonged alkaline lysis with Buffer P2 and is resistant to restriction digestion.

For a detailed description on how to run and interpret an analytical gel, please see Appendix A in the QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Handbook: "Agarose Gel Analysis of the Purification Procedure", or visit this link.

FAQ ID -1059
Do you have a protocol for the isolation of plasmid DNA from Bacillus subtilis?
Is there a way to compare the environmental impacts of the kit?
In partnership with My Green Lab, we were able to assess the environmental impact of the kits. My Green Lab ACT (accountability, consistency and transparency) environmental impact factor labels are designed to evaluate and score products on several sustainability criteria. The products are scored from 1 to 10, except for energy and water consumption which are scored as 1 point per kWh or gallon, respectively. A low score means a lower environmental factor.  
FAQ ID - 3991

What is the composition of Buffer PB?
Buffer PB contains a high concentration of guanidine hydrochloride and isopropanol. The exact composition of Buffer PB is confidential. However, this buffer can be purchased separately: Buffer PB.
FAQ ID -2791
Does the reuse of the Waste Tubes increase the risk of cross-contamination?
No, we were able to prove experimentally that cross-contamination does not occur through the reuse of the Waste Tubes. The Waste Tubes are used to collect the flow-through from the lysis and washing steps, where the flow-through is discarded afterwards. If the flow-through is to be used for further processing, we recommend the use of a Collection Tube
FAQ ID - 3988

Do you have a protocol for obtaining > 20 µg plasmid DNA using the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit?
Why is my plasmid DNA yield low?

Low yields of plasmid DNA can be caused by a number of different factors. The most common causes for low yield are poor culturing conditions and plasmid propagation, excessive amounts of starting material resulting in insufficient bacterial cell lysis and column overloading. When working with the anion-exchange based QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Kits, extra care is required during the isopropanol precipitation step, as the glassy DNA pellet may be difficult to see, and tends to be only loosely attached to the side of the tube.

We strongly recommend to review the information provided on our Plasmid Resource Page in the section 'Optimal results with QIAGEN plasmid kits', as it provides useful background information on growing bacterial cultures and general considerations for optimal results. It is also necessary to follow the instructions in the relevant protocols precisely to ensure the best plasmid yield and quality.

To determine at what stage of the procedure any problem occurred, save fractions from different steps of the purification procedure, and analyze by agarose gel electrophoresis. For a detailed description on how to run and interpret an analytical gel, please see Appendix A in the QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Handbook: "Agarose Gel Analysis of the Purification Procedure", or visit the QIAGEN Plasmid Resource Center.



FAQ ID -768
Are the QIAwave kits based on a different chemistry than the legacy kits?
No, the chemistry between the QIAwave kits and the legacy kits is the same, and so is the performance. The QIAwave buffers come as concentrates, reducing the amount of plastic per bottle while maintaining the same functionality after reconstitution. The advantage of the QIAwave kits is the reduction of materials used for the kits, such as plastics, cardboard and paper. In addition, the QIAwave kits contain Waste Tubes made from 100% post-consumer plastic. 
FAQ ID - 3990

Why do I get genomic DNA contamination in my plasmid prep?

Too vigorous mixing of the bacterial lysate causes genomic DNA to appear in the eluate. The lysate must be handled gently after addition of buffers P2 and P3 to prevent shearing of chromosomal DNA. The culture volume needs to be reduced if the lysate is too viscous for gentle mixing.

Use of LyseBlue Reagent enables visualization of efficient bacterial cell resuspension as a prerequisite for complete lysis, thereby helping to avoid overloading of the columns and additional difficulties related to highly viscous lysates.

Additional information for successful plasmid preparations using QIAGEN's broad selection of Plasmid Kits can be found at our Plasmid Resource Center.

FAQ ID -353
Do you have a protocol for the isolation of plasmid DNA from Agrobacterium?
FAQ ID -898
I am seeing a precipitate after adding LyseBlue reagent to Buffer P1. What should I do about that?

A precipitate forming upon adding LyseBlue reagent to Buffer P1 is a normal observation. This precipitate will completely dissolve after addition of Buffer P2. Please be sure to shake Buffer P1 vigorously before use to completely resuspend LyseBlue particles.

FAQ ID -1045
What to do if cell clumps are present after Buffer P2 addition when using LyseBlue Reagent?

If cell clumps are present after adding Buffer P2 to your samples when using a QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Kit in combination with LyseBlue Reagent, you have two options:

  • pipet the cell clumps up and down for resuspension
  • transfer any clumps to a separate tube, add Buffer P1 and mix vigorously for resuspension, add Buffer P2 for lysis, and subsequently transfer the lysed material back to combine it with the rest of the original solution

Note: Avoid incubation times longer than 5 minutes in Buffer P2 as this will irreversibly denature plasmid DNA. In the scenario above, Buffer P3 may need to be added to portions of the sample, which can be subsequently combined once resuspension, lysis and neutralization of all fractions is complete.

FAQ ID -861
What is the new Waste Tube made of?
The new Waste Tube is made from recycled plastic recovered from post-consumer plastic waste. Due to the slight composition differences of the raw material, the color of the tubes may differ from lot to lot. However, this has no effect on its intended use of collecting flow-through from sample binding and membrane washing. After each step, the flow-through is discarded, and the Waste Tube can be reused. The Waste Tube is only used to process waste and should never come into direct contact with the analyte of interest. For detailed instructions, you can watch our instructional video at www.qiagen.com/qiawavewastetube
FAQ ID - 3987

What is the recipe for SOC medium?

The components of the SOC medium are:

  • 0.5% Yeast Extract
  • 2% Tryptone
  • 10 mM NaCl
  • 2.5 mM KCl
  • 10 mM MgCl2
  • 10 mM MgSO4
  • 20 mM Glucose*

*Note: add Glucose after autoclaving the solution with the remaining ingredients, and letting it cool down. Sterilize the final solution by passing it through a 0.2 µm filter.

SOC medium can be stored at room temperature and is stable for several years.

FAQ ID -798