The sensitivity of the RT2 First Strand Kit enables gene expression analysis using as little as 1 ng of total RNA. With preamplification, more of your targets can be accurately quantitated using the complete PCR array system.
The complete PCR array system demonstrates strong correlations across technical replicates, lots and instruments with average correlation coefficients >0.99, ensuring reliable detection of differences in expression between biological samples.
The PCR array system, with high-quality input RNA, yields single bands of the predicted size without primer-dimers or other secondary products, therefore providing highly accurate real-time PCR results.
Uniform PCR amplification efficiency is required for the PCR array technology to allow accurate comparisons of gene expression across all genes and all samples. The unique combination of our proprietary primer design algorithm and rigorous testing of every primer assay guarantees the high performance of every primer assay on PCR arrays.
RT2 Profiler PCR Arrays are tested and optimized in combination with the RT2 SYBR® Green qPCR Mastermixes and the RT2 First Strand Kit. This testing means that RT2 Profiler PCR Array performance is guaranteed when all three of these components are used together.