EpiTect Hi-C Kit


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EpiTect Hi-C Kit (6)

Cat. No. / ID:  59971

Hi-C 是一种邻位连接检测,可捕捉全基因组范围内的染色质相互作用。可用于鉴定结构变异*、染色体重排和拷贝数变异、染色体拷贝数、大小和中心粒位置以及表观遗传分析
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EpiTect Hi-C Kit 旨在用于分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 完整配套试剂盒 – 用于生成 Hi-C NGS 文库的高质量试剂
  • 包含用于多重测序的带标签的 Illumina 接头
  • 经过全面测试、稳健且快速的方案 – Hi-C 文库生成时间小于 2 天
  • 样本投入量要求低 – 仅需 5000 个细胞即可生成文库
  • 基于开源工具的数据分析流程


Hi-C 最初被视为全基因组染色体构象捕获的强大技术,能以 kb 分辨率鉴定染色质折叠。不过,该技术还有其他重要应用。例如,Hi-C 可用于从没有已知参考基因组的生物体中生成高度连续的基因组组装体,极少数组装体拥有很长的 scaffolds。此外,Hi-C 对单体型分型和染色体重排检测也非常有用。

EpiTect Hi-C Kit 提供了一个稳健而又简单快速的方案,细胞投入要求低,能在不到 2 天的时间内从交联细胞中生成高质量的 Hi-C Illumina NGS 文库。


EpiTect Hi-C Kit 能生成高质量的 Hi-C NGS 文库,从而确保从高成本的下游深度测序中生成一流的数据。对来自 40 多个 EpiTect Hi-C 文库的测序结果进行了分析,以评估该试剂盒的性能。最重要的 QC 指标如下图所示: Hi-C 百分比 长程顺式相互作用的百分比 顺式/反式比率 使用 EpiTect Hi-C Kit 不会产生链方向性偏差 源自单一限制性片段的双端reads百分比。数据显示,平均而言,由 EpiTect Hi-C Kit 生成的 NGS 文库远超通常被视为足以成功完成 Hi-C 实验的标准。



Hi-C 是一种邻位连接检测,可捕捉全基因组范围内的染色质相互作用。EpiTect Hi-C Kit 是一款专门用于生成与 Illumina 兼容的 NGS 文库(请参阅图  EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 1 天 EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 2 天)的试剂盒。简言之,这项检测首先要纯化细胞核,其中的染色质构象已通过 DNA 结合蛋白和 DNA 的化学交联固定。然后用 4 bp 限制性内切酶完全消化 DNA。用生物素标记开放的 DNA 末端,然后进行连接。对 Hi-C 连接产物进行双端测序可识别出大量嵌合序列,这些序列来自空间中紧密相关的 DNA 链。两个序列连接在一起的概率与它们在空间中的平均距离有关。对连接接头进行定量,可以确定 DNA 的连接频率,并据此绘制染色质折叠的高分辨率图谱。



与已发表的方案相比,EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程(请参阅图  EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 1 天 EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 2 天)有了明显的改进。长达一周的复杂程序已转变为只需 1.5 天的简单稳健程序。此外,样本投入要求降低了一个数量级,只需 5000 个细胞即可创建 Hi-C NGS 文库。该方案专为使用来自哺乳动物细胞培养物的交联细胞的工作而开发。

EpiTect Hi-C 实验流程是原位(即细胞核内)Hi-C 方法的一个版本,在该版本中,细胞核被温和地纯化和渗透,以便在最初的消化和连接步骤中保持基因组的空间组织。这一过程至关重要,可尽量减少因不能反映基因组结构的无义连接事件而产生的背景噪声。这是因为完好的细胞核限制了交联复合物的移动和随机碰撞,使得连接事件主要发生在拓扑关联的 DNA 片段之间。

构建 Hi-C NGS 文库

EpiTect Hi-C Kit 工作流程由 2 部分组成,每部分可在一天内完成。以下表格总结了方案的步骤,图  EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 1 天 EpiTect Hi-C 工作流程 – 第 2 天对这些步骤做了直观呈现。随附 Illumina 接头具有标签序列,可对多达 6 个样本进行并行测序。

要查看完整的方案,请参阅我们详细的 EpiTect Hi-C 手册


我们的 GeneGlobe 数据分析中心提供 Hi-C 数据分析。可使用 EpiTect Hi-C 数据分析门户分析 Hi-C 测序结果,该门户使用开源工具提供 QC 测序报告、Hi-C 连接矩阵和染色质连接图可视化。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 EpiTect Hi-C 数据分析门户用户指南




Hi-C 已迅速成为分析核组织的重要工具。对 Hi-C 数据的分析揭示了基因组结构惊人的复杂性,其中有多层空间组织将基因组划分为染色体疆域、染色体亚区室、拓扑相关结构域 (Topologically Associated Domain, TAD) 和分辨率不断提高的 DNA 环(请参阅图 染色质结构层级)。此外,基因组的组织是动态的,在发育过程中会发生变化。没有任何两种细胞类型的染色体折叠方式是相同的。


单个染色体在物理上被分隔成不同的领域,因此,Hi-C 捕捉到的 DNA 相互作用主要发生在同一染色体的 DNA 之间(顺式),染色体之间(反式)的相互作用很少。由于这种现象,Hi-C 可用作全基因组检测,以鉴定易位和其他值得关注的结构变异。与其他 NGS 技术相比,Hi-C 的覆盖范围要求极低,可以节省成本。此外,与标准的 NGS 方法相比,使用 Hi-C 可以更有效地检测涉及可映射性差区域的重排。方便的是,同样的 Hi-C 数据也可用于检测拷贝数变化。

基因组组装 – 单倍体分型

在对新物种的基因组进行测序和组装时,生成序列 scaffolds 往往会受到超出测序范围的大段重复序列的限制。在 Hi-C 数据中,绝大多数相互作用顺式发生在同一条染色体上的基因座之间。此外,这些顺式相互作用很大一部分间隔距离较长,发生在由数百万个 DNA 碱基间隔开的基因座之间。染色质相互作用的这些特性可用于通过排序、定向和连接使序列 scaffolds 成为近全长染色体,而无需参考基因组。利用同样的原理,Hi-C 交互作用图可用于通过将遗传变异分配给父系和母系姐妹染色体来创建二倍体基因组(请参阅图  Hi-C 测序数据的下游应用)。




快速启动实验方案 (2)
试剂盒操作手册 (1)
EpiTect Hi-C Handbook
PDF (499KB)
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Does QIAGEN provide data analysis to accompany the EpiTect Hi-C Kit?
Yes. Visit QIAGEN’s online GeneGlobe Data Analysis Center at https://ngsdataanalysis2.qiagen.com/HiC/analysisfile to analyze your data with the EpiTect Hi-C Data Analysis Portal.
FAQ ID - 143075
How many reactions are in a kit?
Each EpiTect Hi-C Kit comes with enough reagents for 6 samples. One sample is typically sufficient for the generation of ~300–600 million raw read-pairs.
FAQ ID - 143067
Are there stopping points in the Hi-C workflow?
Yes. Following the Hi-C Digestion, Hi-C End Labeling, Hi-C Ligation, or Chromatin De-crosslinking steps in the Hi-C Part 1 workflow, users can store samples at −15 to −25°C and resume with the procedure at a later date.
FAQ ID - 143071
What kind of analysis does the EpiTect Hi-C Data Analysis Portal perform?
Raw sequencing reads are processed to generate a sequencing report and Hi-C contact matrices. Upon completion of the data analysis, an installation of HiGlass within GeneGlobe can be used to visualize and interact with the generated contact matrices. For further information, refer to the user guide found at the EpiTect Hi-C Data Analysis Portal.
FAQ ID - 143076
Can I substitute the endonuclease used in the Hi-C Digestion step with another endonuclease?
No. The EpiTect Hi-C Digestion Enzyme and Digestion Buffer have been developed to work together to provide optimal results.
FAQ ID - 143070
Can I use cells that have been previously crosslinked and frozen (e.g., for a ChIP or ChIP-seq experiment) as input material for the EpiTect Hi-C protocol?
Yes. However, the cells should have been crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde and not have been frozen for longer than 6 months.
FAQ ID - 143069
With which platform can I perform my sequencing?
EpiTect Hi-C sequencing libraries are compatible with all Illumina sequencing platforms.
FAQ ID - 143072
Can I use my own pipeline to analyze results from my EpiTect Hi-C experiments?
Yes. For your analysis, you will need the following additional information. The endonuclease used in the EpiTect Hi-C kit cuts at GATC sites. The Hi-C junction motifs (or tags) generated after Hi-C ligation consist of a GATCGATC sequence.
FAQ ID - 143078
With which read length should the EpiTect Hi-C NGS libraries be sequenced
Read lengths of 36–150 bp can be used to sequence the EpiTect Hi-C libraries on Illumina sequencers. However, as mappability increases with read length, we suggest the use of 2 x 150 bp sequencing reads for best results.
FAQ ID - 143073
Does the EpiTect Hi-C Data Analysis Portal cost money?
No. EpiTect Hi-C Kit customers may analyze their Hi-C sequencing results with the Data Analysis Portal (https://ngsdataanalysis2.qiagen.com/HiC/analysisfile) at no charge.
FAQ ID - 143077
How can I accurately determine the amount of input material for the EpiTect Hi-C Kit?
An automated cell counter or hemocytometer should be used to assist in distributing the correct amount of cells to each sample.
FAQ ID - 143065
What sample source do you support?
In principle the EpiTect Hi-C protocol should work for any type of crosslinked eukaryote cells; but so far, it has only been experimentally validated with cultured human and mouse cells. Bacteria and archaea are not supported.
FAQ ID - 143066
What is the effect of using amounts of input material per sample that fall outside the recommended range?
Using input amounts outside the range of 5 x 103 and 2.5 x 106 human or mouse cells (or the equivalent of 30 ng–15 µg DNA) per sample risks affecting the quality of the resulting NGS library, such that it is likely to have higher levels of inward-facing (FR) sequence read bias, unligated ends, and read pairs containing contiguous, religated restriction fragments.
FAQ ID - 143064 
What is the required amount of input material per sample for the EpiTect Hi-C Kit?
The EpiTect Hi-C protocol has been optimized for the use of 5 x 105 human or mouse cells (or the equivalent of 3 µg of DNA) per sample. Input amounts between 5 x 103 and 2.5 x 106 human or mouse cells (or the equivalent of 30 ng–15 µg DNA) per replicate may also be used.
FAQ ID - 143063
How long does it take to complete the EpiTect Hi-C protocol?
From crosslinked sample to purified Illumina NGS library, the EpiTect Hi-C protocol takes 1.5–2 days to complete.
FAQ ID - 143068
How do I know if my Hi-C sample is a good candidate for deep sequencing?
Prior to costly deep sequencing, users are advised to sequence Hi-C NGS libraries at low depth (<1 million reads) for quality control purposes. Low-depth sequencing data can be processed with the EpiTect Hi-C Data Analysis portal at www.qiagen.com/DataAnalysisCenter, and the sequencing report can be used to assess the quality of Hi-C libraries.
FAQ ID - 143074