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RNA 测序

专用 RNA 测序试剂盒

虽然 RNA 测序可以推动您的新发现,但 RNA 分子(尤其是 mRNA 和 rRNA)并不稳定,并且对热和紫外线照射以及 RNase 污染敏感。此外,由于转录组因物种、基因型、细胞和组织类型以及环境条件而异,RNA 样本在可用性和信息方面非常宝贵。

要从如此珍贵的样本中获得高质量的结果,取决于在 RNA 测序工作流程中使用正确的 RNA 测序方案。我们的专用 RNA 测序试剂盒可帮助您克服所面临的挑战。

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Sequencing method
Sequencing system
找到 29 个产品
QIAseq miRNA Library Kit
QIAseq miRNA Library Kit
Gel-free miRNA Sample to Insight solution for differential expression analysis and novel discovery using next-generation sequencing
QIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels
QIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels
A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng
QIAseq Stranded RNA Library Kits
QIAseq Stranded RNA Library Kits
For preparation of stranded whole transcriptome RNA-seq libraries for NGS applications on Illumina instruments, including optional purification of poly A+ RNA from total RNA
QIAseq UPX 3’ Transcriptome Kits
QIAseq UPX 3’ Transcriptome Kits
For high-throughput 3' transcriptome analysis from up to 10 ng of purified RNA or cell lysates using next-generation sequencing
QIAseq UPX 3’ Targeted RNA Panels
QIAseq UPX 3’ Targeted RNA Panels
For ultraplex (UPX) gene expression analysis using 3' RNA-seq from single cells and low-input samples
QIAseq Immune Repertoire RNA Library Kits
QIAseq Immune Repertoire RNA Library Kits
For human and mouse immune repertoire screening
QIAseq Targeted RNA Custom Panels and Indices
QIAseq Targeted RNA Custom Panels and Indices
For highly accurate gene expression quantification using UMIs
QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panels
QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panels
QIAseq Targeted RNA Panels
QIAseq Targeted RNA Panels
QIAseq Multimodal Panels
QIAseq Multimodal Panels
A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng
QIAseq miRNA Library QC PCR Panel and Assays
QIAseq miRNA Library QC PCR Panel and Assays
For evaluating RNA sample quality prior to miRNA/small RNA NGS library preparation and for assessing NGS performance post-sequencing
QIAseq Multimodal Pan-Cancer Panel
QIAseq Multimodal Pan-Cancer Panel
The only one-day, low-input sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous and comprehensive genomic profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and assessing TMB/MSI in solid tumors and heme malignancies
QIAseq SARS-CoV-2 Primer Panel
QIAseq SARS-CoV-2 Primer Panel
For targeted whole genome library preparation of SARS-CoV-2 for genomic surveillance and variant detection
QIAseq Single Cell RNA Library Kits UDI
QIAseq Single Cell RNA Library Kits UDI
For single-cell RNA-seq libraries that provide a deeper view of the transcriptome
QIAseq Targeted RNA-seq Panel for T-cell Receptor
QIAseq Targeted RNA-seq Panel for T-cell Receptor
For RNA-seq library construction of T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha, beta, gamma and delta genes using 200 pg to 1000 ng of RNA from human or mouse samples.
QIAseq UPXome RNA Library Kits
QIAseq UPXome RNA Library Kits
RNA-seq library construction for low-input samples using ultraplex (UPX) cDNA pooling workflows for complete transcriptome or 3’ RNA-seq starting with total RNA or enriched mRNA
QIAseq FastSelect RNA Library Kits
QIAseq FastSelect RNA Library Kits
For stranded RNA-seq library construction for complete transcriptome coverage in less than 5 hours
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Worm Kits
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Worm Kits
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from Caenorhabditis elegans (worm) samples
QIAseq FastSelect Epidemiology Kits
QIAseq FastSelect Epidemiology Kits
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from human, mouse, rat and bacteria samples
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Fish Kits
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Fish Kits
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from fish total RNA samples
QIAseq Fusion XP Custom Targeted Panels
QIAseq Fusion XP Custom Targeted Panels
Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay
QIAseq Fusion XP Targeted Panels
QIAseq Fusion XP Targeted Panels
Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Fly Kits
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Fly Kits
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from Drosophila melanogaster (fly) samples
QIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal Kits
QIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal Kits
For rapid removal of unwanted RNAs during RNA-seq library preparation