QIAsymphony DNA Kits



QIAsymphony DNA Kits 旨在用于分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。
QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit (96)

Cat. No. / ID:  931255

For 96 preps of 1000 µl each: includes 2 reagent cartridges and enzyme racks and accessories
QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192)

Cat. No. / ID:  931236

For 192 preps of 200 µl each: includes 2 reagent cartridges and enzyme racks and accessories


  • 从各种类型起始样本中纯化DNA
  • 新型预装试剂条,操作简便
  • 标准化操作程序保证高重复性
  • 条形码扫描追踪样本和试剂


QIAsymphony DNA Kit在QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪上全自动纯化各类起始样本的基因组DNA,样本起始体积可达1 ml。可从人类全血、白膜层、人类和动物组织、福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋组织、培养细胞和细菌培养物中纯化基因组DNA。QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit也可从人类全血中提取病毒核酸。优化的实验方案确保高纯度、高产量的DNA,灵活的洗脱体积可配合下游检测应用的需要,轻松地调节终产物DNA浓度。新型预装试剂条减少工作站设置时间和手动操作。条形码阅读器进行试剂全程跟踪。


在QIAsymphony SP工作站上自动纯化DNA确保了DNA的高产量(参见" High yields of DNA from human whole blood")。分光光度计分析显示DNA具有高纯度(参见" Highly pure DNA")。DNA在单拷贝基因的下游PCR中有优越表现,用1 µl或者10 µl洗脱液在扩增反应中均未观察到对PCR的抑制(参见" High-performance results in PCR — A"和" High-performance results in PCR — B")。


QIAsymphony DNA Kit将硅胶膜纯化基因组DNA的速度与效率与易于操作的磁性颗粒相结合(参见" Efficient processing of magnetic particles")。创新的即用型试剂条预装有磁性颗粒和纯化步骤所需的所有试剂,包括附加的酶,以及可在QIAsymphony SP工作站上被自动打开的试剂,可较大程度降低污染的风险( 参见" Prefilled, sealed reagent cartridges")。台面设置快速,节省你的宝贵时间。只需简单的在试剂置入模块中加载至多2个试剂条。试剂条可以来自相同的试剂盒,也可以是不同的试剂盒,因此可在处理96个样本的相同批次中,运行不同的纯化步骤。试剂仅会用于所选数目的样本,实现成本控制。


对于组织、培养细胞和细菌实验方案而言,需要手动样本预处理。纯化操作流程的目的在于确保安全、可重复的处理潜在的传染性样本,并且有4个步骤:裂解、结合、洗涤和洗脱。用户可以选择不同的洗脱体积,取决于实验方案。QIAsymphony SP工作站上可以完成纯化流程的所有步骤。每次运行可以处理至多96个样本。

QIAsymphony DNA 实验方案
实验方案    试剂盒 样本材料处理体积
DNA Blood 200      QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192)人全血200 μl
DNA Blood 400     QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit (96) 人全血400 μl
DNA Blood 1000    QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit (96)人全血1000 μl
DNA Buffy Coat 200  QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192)白膜层200 μl 
DNA Buffy Coat 400     QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit (96) 白膜层 400 μl 
Tissue LC 200 QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192) 从组织、FFPE 组织、培养细胞和细菌培养物中;例如:心脏(25 mg)、肺(25 mg)、肾脏(25 mg)、肌肉(50 mg)、Jurkat 细胞(2 x 106 个细胞)*预处理样本裂解物200 μl
Tissue HC 200 QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192) 从组织、培养细胞和细菌培养物中;例如:肾脏(25 mg)、肝脏(25 mg)、Jurkat 细胞(1 x107 个细胞)、细菌(4 x 109 个细胞)*200 μl
Virus Blood 200 QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit (192)人全血200 μl
* Values in brackets indicate the recommended maximum sample size.


采用QIAsymphony DNA Kit纯化得到的高品质DNA可即用于下游应用,如:

  • PCR和real-time PCR
  • 基因分型分析、STR和SNP分析
  • 测序



ApplicationsPCR, Real-Time PCR, Genotyping
Sample typeBlood; Cell culture (only Mini Kit); Tissue (only Mini Kit)
Elution volumeMini Kit: 50-200 µl; Midi Kit: 100-500 µl
Sample amountMini Kit: 200 µl blood, up to 50 mg tissue or up to 1 x 10e7 cells; Midi Kit: 400 µl or 1000 µl blood
YieldMini Kit: 4-10 µg from 200 µl blood; Midi Kit: 8-20 µg from 400 µl blood or 15-50 µg from 1000 µl blood


应用与实验方案 (7)
For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
PAXgeneSaliva400 and PAXgeneSaliva1000 (supplementary for QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit) QIAsymphony SP Protocol Sheet, R1, version 1

Sample and eluate tubes/racks that can be used with the QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit, PAXgene Saliva Collector and QIAsymphony SP (Software version 5.0 ; labware package SOW-912-0-01)

For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
For use with software version 4.0 or higher 
安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
Labware Files and Documents (2)
For use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS instruments (software version 4.0)
For use with software version 5.0 or higher 
试剂盒操作手册 (2)
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Can I program my own protocols for the QIAsymphony SP?

No. Modified QIAGEN protocols or custom protocols for QIAsymphony SP can be developed to meet your specific requirements and purchased from QIAGEN.




FAQ ID -1904
Can uneven sample numbers be processed on the QIAsymphony SP module?

Yes. Any number of samples between 1 and 96 can be processed on the QIAsymphony SP.



FAQ ID -1906
Does carrier RNA have to be added using the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 Protocol?

No. We do not recommend use of carrier RNA with the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 Protocol.


FAQ ID -2163
How does magnetic-particle carry-over in QIAsymphony eluates need to be handled?

In general, magnetic particles are not carried over into QIAsymphony eluates. However, if high amounts of genomic DNA are purified (large number of white blood cells in the sample) magnetic-particle carryover may be observed. If carryover does occur, magnetic particles in eluates will not affect most downstream applications. If magnetic particles need to be removed before performing downstream applications, tubes or plates containing eluates should first be placed in a suitable magnet and the eluates transferred to a clean tube.


FAQ ID -2166
How should DNA isolated on the QIAsymphony be stored?

Eluates obtained on the QIAsymphony SP can be stored at 2–8°C for 3 days before use in downstream applications and should be placed at –20°C or –80°C for long-term storage.



FAQ ID -2165
What are the expected DNA yields from tissue processed on the QIAsymphony SP?

DNA yields strongly depend on the type and source of the tissue processed on the QIAsymphony SP. Approximately 70–80 µg DNA can be isolated from 25 mg of spleen, 40–50 µg from 25 mg liver, and 10–15 µg from 50 mg muscle.


FAQ ID -1919
What sample input volumes can be used on the QIAsymphony SP?
200–1000 µl sample volumes can be processed on the QIAsymphony Sample Prep Module.
FAQ ID -1907
How much starting material can be used with the QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit on the QIAsymphony SP?

The maximum amount of tissue that can be processed on the QIAsymphony SP using QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit is 50 mg, and the maximum number of cultured cells is 1 x 107.

See details for upper limits of various starting materials in the table below:


Sample type Sample amount Protocol
Heart 25 mg Tissue Standard
Spleen 25 mg Tissue High Content
Lung 25 mg Tissue Standard
Liver 25 mg Tissue High Content
Kidney 25 mg Tissue Standard
Muscle 50 mg Tissue Standard
Mouse tail 0.8 cm Tissue Standard
Jurkat Cells 2 x 10e6 Tissue Standard
Jurkat Cells 1 x 10e7 Tissue High Content

FAQ ID -1917
How many samples can be processed with the QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit and the Virus Blood 200 protocol?

A total of 192 samples can be processed with one QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit and the Virus Blood 200 protocol (96 samples per reagent cartridge).




FAQ ID -2159
What sample volumes can be used with the Virus Blood 200 Protocol on the QIAsymphony?

Sample volumes of 200 µl can be processed with the Virus Blood 200 Protocol using the QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit.



FAQ ID -2156
What sample volumes can be used with the tissue HC and LC protocols on the QIAsymphony SP?
After pretreatment, 220 µl of the lysates must be transferred to the QIAsymphony SP to ensure that 200 µl of sample is processed.
FAQ ID -2992
What are the recommended lysis times for tissue samples on the QIAsymphony SP?
Lysis time varies depending on the tissue type processed. For recommended lysis times refer to the tissue protocol sheets. If lysis is incomplete after recommended lysis time, as indicated by the presence of insoluble material or highly viscous lysates, lysis time can be prolonged or insoluble material can be removed by centrifugation. Overnight lysis is possible and does not affect the preparation.
FAQ ID -2993
Do samples require pretreatment before loading onto the QIAsymphony SP for DNA extraction?

Yes. Samples have to be completely lysed and homogenized prior to automated processing on the QIAsymphony SP platform using QIAsymphony DNA Kits.

Samples are lysed by Proteinase K digestion in lysis buffers optimized for tissue, cultured cells, and bacteria, respectively. For lysis of gram-positive bacteria, lysozyme is used in addition to Proteinase K. Lysed samples are homogenized by pipetting up and down, and insoluble material is removed by centrifugation (see the QIAsymphony DNA Handbook for details).


FAQ ID -1916
How should samples be stored before purification using the Virus Blood 200 Protocol on the QIAsymphony?

Samples should be processed on the QIAsymphony within 24 hours of collection. Samples should be transported and stored at 2–25°C.




FAQ ID -2157
Which sample types can be processed using the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 protocol?

Human whole blood samples treated with EDTA or citrate can be processed using the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 protocol with the QIAsymphony DNA Mini Kit. We do not recommend using heparin-treated blood samples.




FAQ ID -2154
Will mitochondrial DNA also be isolated using the DNA Tissue protocols on the QIAsymphony SP?

Yes. The DNA Tissue protocols on the QIAsymphony SP purify genomic and mitochondrial DNA.





FAQ ID -1921
Is mitochondrial DNA isolated with the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit on the QIAsymphony SP?

Yes. QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit protocols purify both genomic and mitochondrial DNA.




FAQ ID -2030
Which elution volumes can be selected using the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 protocol?

Final elution volumes of 60 µl, 85 µl, 110 µl, or 165 µl can be selected using the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 protocol. Please note that the initial elution volumes are 95 µl, 120 µl, 145 µl, or 200 µl. When calculating the amount of internal control(s) as well as the titer of the processed sample, it is necessary to take into consideration the initial volume of elution buffer that is used for each sample.


FAQ ID -2160
Is it possible to modify QIAsymphony protocols?

No. Protocols on the QIAsymphony SP cannot be modified by users. However, protocols allow elution volumes to be selected within a predefined range. Customized protocols for QIAsymphony SP will be available on request.


FAQ ID -1903
What sample types should be processed with the High Content (HC) protocol for DNA extraction on the QIAsymphony SP?

The High Content protocol for DNA extractions on the QIAsymphony SP is optimized for samples with an expected DNA yield of more than 30 µg. Up to 90 µg DNA can be purified from tissues with high cell densities (e.g., spleen) or large numbers of cultured cells.


FAQ ID -1918
What is the range of elution volumes on the QIAsymphony SP?

Depending on the application, elution volumes on the QIAsymphony SP range from 30 µl to 500 µl.




FAQ ID -1908
What sample types can be processed using the tissue protocols for DNA extraction on the QIAsymphony SP?

Various types of tissue, cultured cells, and bacterial pellets can be processed using the tissue protocols for the QIAsymphony DNA Kits on the QIAsymphony SP.





FAQ ID -1915
Does an internal control have to be used with the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 Protocol?

No. The use of internal controls is not mandatory for use with the QIAsymphony Virus Blood 200 Protocol. If an internal control is not required, Buffer ATE without internal control is added to the samples. Buffer ATE must be placed in slot A of the sample drawer.


FAQ ID -2162
Will mitochondrial DNA also be isolated using the DNA tissue protocols and QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit on the QIAsymphony SP?
Yes. The DNA tissue protocols on the QIAsymphony SP purify genomic and mitochondrial DNA.
FAQ ID -2991
What is the target nucleic acid for the Virus Blood 200 Protocol on the QIAsymphony?

The target nucleic acid for the Virus Blood 200 Protocol on the QIAsymphony is viral DNA from released as well as cell-associated viruses, co-purified with genomic DNA from blood cells.



FAQ ID -2158