QIAcuity Residual DNA Quantification Kits

使用 QIAcuity Digital PCR System,以更高的准确性和精密性检测宿主细胞 DNA 残留带来的污染


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E. coli resDNA Quant Standard Kit

Cat. No. / ID:  250221

E. coli resDNA Quant Standard (1x),复水缓冲液
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resDNA Quant Standard
resDNA Quant
Cell type
E. coli
QIAcuity Residual DNA Quantification Kits 旨在用于分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 与对照品预先混合的预混液,便于反应体系构建和宿主细胞 DNA 检测
  • 能够准确检测 E.coli、CHO 和 HEK293 细胞残留的 DNA,最低可检测至飞克级水平
  • 一种检测和定量高度片段化宿主细胞 DNA 的多拷贝靶标检测方案
  • 在经过提取和未经过提取的样本中均可检测宿主细胞 DNA


疫苗、药物和其他生物制剂等产品中的宿主细胞 DNA 污染会带来巨大的健康风险。因此,其安全限值受到美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 和世界卫生组织 (WHO) 等机构的严格监管。根据药物给药的性质以及污染细胞 DNA 的传染性和致癌性,对残留 DNA 上限制定了明确的指导方针。例如,通过肠外给药的非致癌性细胞 DNA残留应限制在10 ng/剂,最大长度为 200 bp,而 WHO 建议口服疫苗的残留 DNA 应 <100 µg/剂。 

在产品生产过程中检测并去除这类污染物需要对产品中存在的极微量的特异性宿主细胞 DNA 进行高度灵敏且准确的测定。

数字 PCR 是用于残留 DNA 检测及定量的首选方法。与其他检测方法(如 qPCR)相比,它具有出色的灵敏性和准确性,特别是在痕量污染水平下。QIAcuity Residual DNA Quantification Kit 能够以高度准确性和精密性检测大肠杆菌 (E.coli),中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO)和人胚胎肾细胞 293 (HEK293) 的宿主细胞 DNA 残留。   



QIAcuity Residual DNA Quantification Kit 能够提供准确的 CHO、E.coli 和 HEK293 残留 DNA (resDNA) 定量结果,无论样本是否经过提取,或存在 PCR 污染物和其他抑制剂。该检测方案为多拷贝靶标检测法,可准确测定高度片段化的残留宿主细胞 DNA。


检测方案 靶标拷贝数 扩增子大小 cp/µl 到 fg/µl 的转换因子
QIAcuity E.coli resDNA Quant Kit 7 <200 0.35
QIAcuity CHO resDNA Quant Kit 约 100 万,未定义(重复的元素) <100 0.28
QIAcuity HEK293 resDNA Quant Kit 约 100 万,未定义(重复的元素) <100 1.54


QIAcuity E.coli resDNA Quant Kit 可在单次反应中检测低至 5 fg 的残留 DNA

每次反应的加载量 (fg/rxn) E.coli 标准品(拷贝/µl) 内部对照品(拷贝/µl)*
50000 2949.7 99.9
5000 291.6 91.7
500 27.6 91.4
50 2.8 93.2
25 1.46 92.5
5 0.45 90.6
NTC 0 98.9

*内部对照品期待值为 100 拷贝/µl

与 qPCR 相比,数字 PCR 能够在较低的模板输入范围内提供更高的检测灵敏性,因此能够支持更稳健的应用。

QIAcuity CHO resDNA Quant Kit 可在单次反应中检测低至 5 fg 的残留 DNA

每次反应的加载量 (fg/rxn) CHO 标准品(拷贝/µl) 内部对照品(拷贝/µl)*
50000 4939.3     108.7
5000 508.3     104.9
500 50.2     97.6
50 4.7 99.5
25 2.6 101.3
5 0.6 100.4
NTC 0 104.7

*内部对照品期待值为 100 拷贝/µl

QIAcuity HEK293 resDNA Quant Kit 可在单次反应中检测低至 5 fg 的残留 DNA

每次反应的加载量 (fg/rxn) HEK293 标准品(拷贝/µl) 内部对照品(拷贝/µl)*
50000 1104.9 96.6
5000 104.5 92.5
500 8.83 92.4
50 0.99 94.4
NTC 0 96.2

*内部对照品期待值为 100 拷贝/µl

这些试剂盒与 QIAcuity Digital PCR System 和 QIAcuity Nanoplate 配套使用时,不仅可提供与 qPCR 类似的端到端快速 dPCR 工作流程,还能够对样本中的 resDNA 进行绝对定量。该试剂盒的设计考虑到了生物工艺生产和质量控制 (Quality Control, QC) 的要求。



有关纳米微孔板中 dPCR 反应的原理说明,请参见此处

利用 QIAcuity 数字 PCR 监测宿主细胞残留 DNA,通过QIAcuity 26k 纳米微孔板,对样本进行分区以提高检测限/定量限 (LOD/LOQ)。分区会增加靶标基因的有效浓度,允许捕获到少量宿主细胞 DNA,并以更高的准确性和精密性进行测定。QIAcuity 26k 纳米微孔板大体积模板加载量及增加反应分区数的能力让宿主细胞DNA残留检测更加精准。




将裂解液与内部对照品一起添加到残留定量检测试剂中,通过绝对定量测定宿主细胞 DNA 含量。通过提供的转换因子将拷贝/µl 转换为 fg/µl。


QIAcuity Residual DNA Quantification Kit 是复杂生物工艺中间产物中宿主细胞 DNA 残留高精度定量的理想选择。



What does the standard kit contain?
The standard for HEK293, CHO, and E. Coli contains genomic DNA, and we recommend digestion of the standard for better migration out into the partitions.
FAQ ID - 3938
dPCR results are in copies per microliter. How do I calculate host cell DNA contamination in femtogram per microliter?

The conversion factors from copies per microliter to femtogram per microliter for each target assay (E. coli, CHO, and HEK293) will be provided in the quick-start protocol and the QIAcuity User Manual Extension: Application Guide.

FAQ ID - 3876
My samples are highly fragmented. Is the dPCR result for resDNA quantification accurate?

ResDNA Quant Kit (E. coli, CHO, and HEK293) assays are multicopy target assays that ensure quantification of  resDNA unaffected by the fragmentation level. In addition, short amplicon regions are selected for each target region. 

FAQ ID - 3877
Is DNA extraction from the samples needed?

No. DNA extraction is not required. However, if the samples contain high levels of PCR inhibitors or high protein concentration, DNA extraction is recommended for accurate quantification of ResDNA contamination.

FAQ ID - 3873
What is the amount of standard for the different kit?
The standard that is provided has an amount of 1000 pg that will be diluted with 100 µL of rehydration buffer down to working solution of 10 pg/µL.
FAQ ID - 3936
Is restriction enzyme digestion required?

Restriction digestion of the templates is required when the template length exceeds 20 kb for a better distribution of templates within partitions. Recommended restriction enzymes can be found in the applications guide and quick-start protocols.

FAQ ID - 3875
Which extraction kits are recommended?

QIAamp UCP DNA Micro Kits, QIAamp HMW MagAttract Kits, QIAsymhony DSP Kits, QIAsymphony Certal Kits, and DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits are few recommended extraction kits to combine with ResDNA Quant Kit.

FAQ ID - 3874
What is the preferred storage temperature for reconstituted assay for the QIAcuity HEK293 resDNA Quant Kit (96)?
The recommended storage temperature is 4°C for 72 hours.
FAQ ID - 3935
Is dPCR sensitive to inhibition?

dPCR is less prone to inhibition in comparison to qPCR; however, we recommend dilution of samples that are known to contain PCR inhibitors.

FAQ ID - 3880
How much sample can I load for detecting host cell contamination?

26k Nanoplates are recommended for resDNA quantification, which maximizes the amount of template that can be loaded within a single reaction. In 26k nanoplates, this corresponds to 28 μl in 40 μl reaction volume. In addition, maximum template loading amounts for each kit will be provided in QSPs. 

FAQ ID - 3879
What are the ResDNA Quant Kit components?

The kits are composed of a premixed master mix for CHO and E. coli in liquid format that contains the target. For HEK293 the same composition comes in lyophilized format. The kit also contains an internal control assay detected in Green and Yellow channel, internal control DNA, positive control DNA, and dPCR qualified water. All necessary components are included in the ResDNA Quant Kits.

FAQ ID - 3878
How long can I store the reconsituted assay regarding QIAcuity HEK293 resDNA Quant Kit (96) at 4°C?
For optimal performance, the recommendation is to use the reconstituted assay within 72 hours.
FAQ ID - 3934
What region is targeted in the QIAcuity E. coli resDNA Quant Kit (96)?
The QIAcuity E. coli resDNA Quant Kit (96) is targeting the transcribed genomic regeion of 16S with <200 bp fragment size. 
FAQ ID - 3939
How did you calculate the conversion factor?
A serial dilutions of HEK293, CHO, and E. Coli gDNA standard test them using HEK293, CHO, and E. Coli ResDNA Quant Kits, respectively. We then compare the copies per microliter obtained at different loading concentrations. We correlate the number of copies of target amplicon with the loading amount in picogram. To rule out any issues with PCR performance, loss of target amplicons, loading errors, user error, instrument errors, etc. skewing the true conversion factor, we repeat the testing over multiple samples, multiple batches of kits, standards, and multiple users. This gives us our accurate conversion factor.
FAQ ID - 3937