miRNeasy FFPE Kit for microRNA Extraction
目录编号 / ID. 217504
miRNeasy FFPE Kit确保从福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋(FFPE)的组织切片中纯化含约18个核苷酸以上的总RNA。试剂盒能够回收可用的RNA片段,包括miRNA和其他小RNA,用于定量real-time RT-PCR等下游应用。
用福尔马林固定的组织导致RNA-RNA和RNA-蛋白质交联,从而影响了RNA在下游应用中的表现。miRNeasy FFPE Kit提供了独特的裂解和孵育条件,可逆转福尔马林对RNA造成的交联。特别研制的的裂解缓冲液有效地将RNA从组织切片中释放出来,同时避免了RNA的进一步降解。裂解产物用DNase消化,然后优化的结合条件能够纯化含约18个以上核苷酸的所有可用的RNA。
miRNeasy FFPE Kit能够纯化包含miRNA的总RNA,并且适用于多种下游应用,如定量real-time RT-PCR。
Total RNA including miRNA was purified from the indicated rat tissues using either the miRNeasy FFPE Kit or phenol-chloroform extraction. Purified RNA was used as a template in quantitative, real-time RT-PCR assays for the miRNA miR-16. Results showed that for lung and liver tissues, CT values were lower after purification using the miRNeasy FFPE Kit, indicating that higher amounts of miRNA were purified than when using phenol-chloroform extraction. For kidney tissue, CT values were similar for both methods. CT values were similar or lower after purification using the miRNeasy FFPE Kit for all tissue types tested.
特点 | 规格 |
Applications | PCR, qPRC, real-time RT-PCR, microArray |
Elution volume | 14-30 µl |
Purification of total RNA, miRNA, poly A+ mRNA, DNA or protein | miRNA, total RNA |
Sample amount | up to 4 sections, each with a thickness up to 10 µm and a surface area up to 250mm^2 (automated protocol on QIAcube: up to 2 sections) |
Processing | Manual (protocol for automated processing on QIAcube available) |
Main sample type | FFPE tissue samples |
Format | Spin column |
Technology | Silica technology |
Yield | Varies |