DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit

用于从生食品或加工食品样本中以高通量自动分离 DNA


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DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5)

Cat. No. / ID:  69571

用于 480 次制备:DNeasy 96 孔板、QIAGEN Proteinase K、缓冲液
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DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit
QIAcube HT Plasticware
DNeasy mericon Food Kit 适用于食品、动物饲料和药品检验中的分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 从各种类型的食品样本中纯化 DNA
  • 不会从复杂的食品基质中携带 PCR 抑制物
  • 加速 CTAB 操作流程可确保高效提取 DNA
  • 简单可靠的自动处理,节省成本和时间


DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 可在 QIAcube HT 系统上以简单的方式从各种生食品和加工食品中自动纯化 DNA。采用成熟可靠的 DNeasy 硅胶膜技术,以方便的 96 孔格式去除复杂食品基质中的污染物和抑制物,从而获得可随时供下游分析使用的高品质 DNA。该试剂盒是综合性 QIAGEN 食品检测产品组合的一部分,后者还具有针对病原体和 GMO DNA 检测以及成分认证的检测。


DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 设计用于从各种生食品和加工食品基质中自动化地快速纯化 DNA,同时尽量减少复杂食品样本所固有的 PCR 抑制物携带。DNeasy mericon 纯化试剂盒提供一种普遍适用的提取方法,即使在使用强抑制性、高度加工、多脂肪、酸性、高或低 DNA 含量的食品时,也能获得可靠的结果(见图“ DNA 产量高,携带抑制物极少”)。QIAcube HT 平台与专用的 DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 配合使用,可从各类食品样本中自动进行中高通量 DNA 纯化。现在,可以通过快速简单的自动化操作流程,制备出与手动 DNeasy mericon Food Kit 具有相同高品质的 DNA(见图 从食品样本中纯化 DNA)。


DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 可使用 QIAcube HT 仪器从多达 300 mg 的食品样本材料中自动纯化核酸。该操作流程能产生在 PCR 和其他下游应用中表现出色的高品质 DNA。
DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 将硅胶膜的选择性结合特性与高通量 96 孔格式相结合,专为在 QIAcube HT 仪器上全自动同时处理 24–96 个样本而设计。


规格 说明
样本数量 24–96 个样本(以 8 为增量进行处理)
样本输入体积 多达 300 mg 食品原料
洗脱体积 200 μl
持续时间 96 个样本约 73 分钟
24 个样本约 42 分钟


DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 采用改良的十六烷基三甲基溴化铵 (CTAB) 提取操作流程在 QIAcube HT 仪器上从食品基质中自动化地快速纯化 DNA(见图 高效快速的自动化 DNA 提取)。经过人工预处理步骤后,使用 Food Lysis Buffer 结合 Proteinase K 对均质化食品样本进行高效裂解。氯仿提取可去除任何 CTAB 蛋白、CTAB 碎片或 CTAB 多糖复合物。将含有 DNA 的水相转移到 96 孔 S-Block 中,随后的所有纯化步骤都在 QIAcube HT 仪器上自动完成。
QIAcube HT 将 Buffer PB 加入水相,然后将混合物转移到 DNeasy 96 板上。抽真空时,核酸吸附在硅胶膜上,而污染物则通过硅胶膜。清洗可去除残留的污染物和抑制物,然后用 Buffer EB 洗脱 DNA。得到的纯化 DNA 可立即用于下游 mericon real-time PCR 检测。


DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit 从各种生食品和加工食品基质中提取高品质 DNA,同时尽量减少复杂食品样本所固有的 PCR 抑制物携带。纯化的 DNA 适用于一系列下游应用:
  • 食品安全和质量检测
  • 成分认证
  • 转基因生物检测
  • 潜在过敏原检测



安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
快速启动实验方案 (2)
For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
试剂盒操作手册 (1)
Handbook for purification of total DNA from food samples on the QIAcube HT using the DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not compatible with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
实验方案软件 (2)
Q Protocol notes for purification of total DNA from food samples on the QIAcube HT using the DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Instrument User Manuals (1)
For QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor


Can I run the QIAcube HT with the QIAxtractor software or vice versa?

No, the two software applications are not interchangeable.


Additionally, the QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor software cannot be installed on the same computer. The QIAcube HT software versions is v4.17 or higher, while the QIAxtractor software version is v4.16 or lower.

FAQ ID -9102
For what batch size is the QIAcube HT Plasticware designed?
The QIAcube HT Plasticware content is calculated for use with the extraction protocol working in batches of 96 samples. If running smaller batches and/ or the transfer protocol, additional consumables are required. 
FAQ ID - 4010
Can I upgrade a Corbett CAS-1820 to a QIAcube HT?

No, this upgrade is not possible.

FAQ ID -9104
What file is required for reporting a QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor issue?

The Support Packages are important when reporting an issue to QIAGEN Technical Services. Upon completion of each run, the software automatically saves a support package.


To retrieve a support package, click Help in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software and select Choose support package. In the new windows, select the support package that corresponds to the issue and send it to QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9100
I am getting vacuum errors on my QIAcube HT. What should I do?

1. Check the vacuum tubing to make sure it is not pinched or obstructed in some way. Sometimes the tubing can become pinched against the bench top when the vacuum station is placed too far from the instrument.

Waste bottle tubing

2. Make sure that the channeling adapter is properly placed. Check if the carriage is moving the plate completely from the waste chamber position to the elution chamber position. If the calibration seems incorrect, the instrument may need to be re-taught at this position.


3. When using less than a full plate, make sure all the unused columns are covered with an adhesive seal.

Also, make sure each column of 8 samples is full. When processing a number of samples that results in < 8 samples per column, use water as a substitute in the empty positions until the column is filled. This ensures even vacuum across all unsealed well positions.

4. Make sure correct plates are used for the selected protocol.

5. When the vacuum is on, please listen for any hissing noise from the tubing that is coming down to the waste container. This could indicate leaks in the tubing.

If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Service.

FAQ ID -9106
What do I do if the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software runs in virtual mode while the instrument is connected to the computer?

Make sure the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software uses the same COM port number as assigned to the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor instrument on the computer. The COM port setting can be checked by clicking Options\Robot Setup\Select COM port in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software.


Ensure that the cable between the instrument and the computer is securely inserted. Power on the instrument first, and then launch the QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT software. 


The instrument has both RS-232 (serial) and USB interfaces for computer connection. Try an RS-232 cable if the communication cannot be established between the instrument and computer with a USB cable.


If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9101