Rupture of membranes (ROM) is a natural step in the childbirth process. But when it occurs prelabor (PROM), mother and baby are at risk for life-threatening complications.

AmniSure® ROM Test

When ROM is suspected, the clock is ticking

Rupture of membranes (ROM) is a natural step in the childbirth process. But when it occurs prelabor (PROM), mother and baby are at risk for life-threatening complications.

When PROM is suspected, AmniSure provides fast and reliable results to aid in clinical decision making and should be used as part of the overall clinical assessment to determine the next course of action.

  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes (1-3).

    AmniSure can help.

    Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
  • Accurately identifying and treating PROM is crucial to improving birth-related health outcomes.
Choose AmniSure for fast, reliable results.
Feature AmniSure
Cited in more than 30 publications
~99% correlation to indigo carmine (5)
Detects high-concentration of PAMG-1 (6)
No gestational age limitation (6)
No speculum required (6)
Reliability in blood (7)

May is National Nurses Month

We’re sending our thanks to labor and delivery nurses everywhere for the care that they provide to their patients each and every day. When critical moments arise, expectant mothers look to their healthcare providers for guidance. 

Are you planning to attend this year’s AWHONN Convention? Plan to stop by booth #716 June 8–10 for a quick, fun check of your AmniSure knowledge. Plus our thanks for your service to your patients.

June 8–10


  1. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (2020) Prelabor Rupture of Membranes: ACOG Practice Bulletin, Number 217. Obstet Gynecol. 135, e80-97.
  2. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2023) Premature Birth. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from
  3. United Health Foundation. (2019) America's Health Rankings. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from
  4. Sosa, C.G., et al. (2014) Comparison of placental alpha microglobulin-1 in vaginal fluid with intra-amniotic injection of indigo carmine for the diagnosis of rupture of membranes. J. Perinat. Med. 42, 611-16,
  5. Amnisure Rom Test Instructions for Use (2022).
  6. Ramsauer, B., et al. (2015) Effect of blood on ROM diagnosis accuracy of PAMG-1 and IGFBP-1 detecting rapid tests. J. Perinat. Med. 43, 417-22.