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Cat no. / ID. 67563
✓ 24/7 automatic processing of online orders
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The MagAttract HMW DNA Kit ensures reproducible isolation of genomic DNA >150 kb. DNA isolated using the MagAttract HMW DNA Kit and other magnetic bead-based procedures was compared using pulse-field gel electrophoresis. The MagAttract HMW DNA Kit demonstrated superior performance in the isolation of high-molecular-weight DNA (see figure Successful isolation of high-molecular-weight DNA).
Consistent high yields and purity
The MagAttract HMW DNA Kit uses a convenient, straightforward procedure to deliver high yields of pure, high-molecular-weight DNA. Gentle lysis conditions minimize DNA fragmentation, while contaminants and PCR inhibitors are efficiently removed, resulting in pure, high-molecular-weight DNA. The optimized chemistry and procedure of the MagAttract HMW DNA Kit greatly enhance DNA yield and purity, compared to classic spin-column or magnetic bead-based methods from other suppliers (see figures Highest yields and purity and Improved yields from various sample types).
Effective removal of PCR inhibitors
Highly sensitive applications such as real-time PCR or NGS require the removal of anticoagulants, enzymes, divalent cations, and other such inhibitors. Real-time PCR amplification of DNA isolated from blood samples stabilized with EDTA, heparin, and citrate stabilized using the MagAttract HMW DNA Kit was performed. No inhibition is seen in any of the samples, which demonstrate highly linear correlation of CT values with sample volume input (see figure No inhibition in samples derived from anticoagulated blood).
Genomic DNA ready for next-generation sequencing
Since massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies utilize short read lengths, sequencing can be performed using intact genomic DNA >10 kb. De novo genome assembly and the discovery of inherited and acquired structural variants are, however, still challenging with standard DNA purification products. Mate-pair libraries with larger inserts may have significant impact on sequencing success, especially for complex repeat-rich genomes. The high-molecular-weight genomic DNA obtained with the MagAttract HMW DNA Kit is ready for use in NGS experiments
Parameter | Specification |
Total (long) mapped reads | 6521106 |
Error rate | 0.36% |
Indel rate | 0.01% |
Chimeras | 0.14% |
Percent duplication | 1.15% |
The convenient MagAttract protocol allows reproducible results in as little as 70 minutes.
Fast and optimized protocol
Optimized buffers and enzymes gently lyse samples, while ensuring minimized fragmentation of genomic DNA. The procedure comprises 4 simple steps: lyse, bind, wash, and elute. Following sample lysis, the DNA binds to the surface of magnetic beads. During the wash steps, contaminants and PCR inhibitors are effectively removed and pure, high-molecular-weight DNA is eluted in Buffer AE (see figure MagAttract HMW DNA Kit procedure).
Exemplary size distribution of DNA from cells using the MagAttract HMW DNA Kit. Samples were analyzed with the Femto Pulse System and signals were normalized to maximum peak.
Features | Specifications |
Sample amount | 200 μl blood; up to 25 mg tissue; 2 x 10e9 bacterial cells |
Process time | ~70 minutes for 12 samples |
Elution volume | 100–200 µl |