Molecular analysis를 위한 생물학적 샘플들을 medium 혹은 high-throughput으로 파쇄를 할 수 있습니다
  • 몇 분안에 192개까지의 샘플 파쇄
  • Effective disruption and homogenization
  • Lysis가 어려운 tissue에서의 재현성있는 결과
  • 각 sample을 밀봉하여 cross-contamination 없음
  • QIAGEN sample technologies와 통합

The TissueLyser II simultaneously disrupts multiple biological samples through high-speed shaking in plastic tubes with stainless steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads. Using the appropriate adapter set, up to 48 or 192 samples can be processed at the same time. Alternatively, a grinding jar set can be used to process large samples. A range of beads, bead dispensers, and collection microtubes and caps are also available. All accessories for the TissueLyser II, including adapter sets, are also compatible with the TissueLyser (no longer available).

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The TissueLyser II is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.
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Reliable detection of miRNAs.|Efficient disruption of animal tissues.|Reproducible RNA purification from plant tissues.|Intact protein suitable for all types of analysis.|High-quality DNA from animal tissues.|High-quality DNA from plant tissues.|TissueLyser II.|
Rat kidney was stabilized in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent, and 25 mg samples were disrupted in QIAzol Lysis Reagent for 2 x 5 minutes at 25 Hz using the TissueLyser II. Total RNA containing miRNA was purified using the miRNeasy Mini Kit, using either the manual procedure (Manual) or the automated procedure with the QIAcube (QIAcube). Real-time RT-PCR using the miScript System was carried out to detect 2 different miRNAs, miR-16 and miR-25.|Tissues (20 mg) were either frozen (Frozen) or stabilized in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent (RNAlater), and then disrupted using the TissueLyser II (2 x 2 minutes for liver and muscle; 2 x 5 minutes for skin). RNA was purified using the RNeasy Mini Kit (liver), RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Mini Kit (skin), or RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit (muscle). [A] Analysis on a 1.2 % formaldehyde agarose gel shows sharp ribosomal RNA bands, indicating intact RNA. [B] RNA yields were quantified by A260 nm absorbance measurements.|Frozen plant leaves were disrupted using the TissueLyser II (2 x 1 minute). RNA was purified using the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit and analyzed on a 1.2 % formaldehyde agarose gel. The ribosomal RNA bands were sharp and of equal intensity, indicating reproducible purification of intact RNA. T: tomato (100 mg); A: arabidopsis (25 mg); C: cotton (100 mg); M: maize (100 mg); R: rape (100 mg).|Various rat tissues (25 mg each) stabilized in Allprotect Tissue Reagent were disrupted using the TissueLyser LT or TissueLyser II. Total protein was purified using the Qproteome Mammalian Protein Prep Kit and then analyzed by western blotting. Transfer membrane stained with Ponceau S, and western blot. LT: TissueLyser LT; II: TissueLyser II; M: markers.|Various rat tissues (25 mg each) stabilized in Allprotect Tissue Reagent were disrupted using the TissueLyser LT or TissueLyser II. DNA was purified on the QIAcube using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit, and then used in PCR with the HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kit and a PGK1 primer system. The 120 bp PCR product was analyzed on the QIAxcel using the QIAxcel DNA High Resolution Kit. LT: TissueLyser LT; II: TissueLyser II; M: markers.|Various plant tissues (100 mg each) were disrupted in precooled adapters using the TissueLyser LT or TissueLyser II. DNA was purified on on the QIAcube using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit and then analyzed on an agarose gel. LT: TissueLyser LT; II: TissueLyser II; M: markers.||
The TissueLyser II is well-suited for high-throughput disruption of human, animal, and plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast. Highly reproducible purification of high-quality DNA, RNA, miRNA, and protein is achieved, even with difficult-to-lyse tissues (see figures "Efficient disruption of animal tissues", "Reproducible RNA purification from plant tissues", "Reproducible DNA purification from animal tissue", "Purification of intact protein from animal tissue", "Reproducible RNA purification from Gram-positive bacteria", and "Reliable detection of miRNAs").

Genotyping, gene expression, and proteomics applications demand effective disruption of biological samples to ensure high yields of DNA, RNA, and protein. Effortless disruption with the TissueLyser II system is achieved through high-speed shaking with beads, which beat and grind samples. The TissueLyser II system delivers thorough and rapid disruption of samples to fully release biomolecules, and also simultaneously homogenizes samples to facilitate subsequent purification procedures using QIAGEN kits (see table "QIAGEN purification kits compatible with QIAGEN disruption systems").

The TissueLyser II is an integral part of QIAGEN's complete solution for sample management — from sample collection to purification and analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein. The TissueLyser II complements QIAGEN automation for high-throughput sample preparation and analysis (see table "QIAGEN high-throughput automation"), such as the QIAsymphony SP. This easy-to-use instrument automates purification of DNA, RNA, and protein from 1–96 samples. The TissueLyser II is also compatible with QIAGEN manual sample preparation kits (see table "QIAGEN purification kits compatible with QIAGEN disruption systems").

For RNA applications, stabilization of fresh tissues in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent prevents RNA degradation during sample handling. For applications requiring purification of DNA, RNA, and protein, these 3 analytes can be immediately stabilized by placing fresh tissues in Allprotect Tissue Reagent.

QIAGEN high-throughput automation
Instrument Purpose Throughput
QIAsymphony SP Purification of DNA, RNA, and protein 1–96 samples per run
BioRobot Universal System Purification of DNA and RNA 96-well format
QIAxcel Electophoretic analysis of DNA fragments and RNA Up to 96 samples per run
QIAgility Reaction setup Up to 384 samples per run
Rotor-Gene Q Real-time PCR and high-resolution melting (HRM) analyses Up to 100 samples per run
PyroMark Q96 MD or ID Methylation and mutation analyses Up to 96 samples per run
QIAGEN purification kits compatible with QIAGEN disruption systems
Analyte purified Sample type QIAGEN kit
RNA Easy-to-lyse tissue

RNeasy Kits

RNeasy Plus Kits
RNeasy Protect Kits
RNA Fiber-rich tissue RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Kits
RNA All types of tissue RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kits
RNeasy Universal Tissue Kits
RNA Plant tissue RNeasy Plant Mini Kit
RNA Yeast RNeasy Kits
RNA Bacteria RNeasy Protect Bacteria Kits
microRNA All types of tissue miRNeasy Kits
DNA Human tissue QIAamp DNA Kits
DNA Animal tissue DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits
Protein Tissue Qproteome Mammalian Protein Prep Kit
Phosphoprotein Tissue PhosphoProtein Purification Kit
Glycoprotein Tissue Qproteome Glycoprotein Kits
DNA and RNA Tissue AllPrep DNA/RNA Kits
DNA, RNA, and protein Tissue AllPrep DNA/RNA/Protein Mini Kit

TissueLyser Adapter Sets allow processing of up to 2 x 96 samples in collection microtubes or up to 2 x 24 samples in 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes. The adapter sets can be precooled at –80°C if disrupting samples without lysis buffer. Tubes remain securely sealed during disruption to prevent cross-contamination, which is especially important for highly sensitive downstream applications, such as real-time RT-PCR or microarray analysis. Depending on the sample type, disruption is carried out using stainless steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads. TissueLyser Bead Dispensers are available to conveniently deliver single beads into microcentrifuge tubes or to deliver 96 beads in parallel into collection microtubes. The TissueLyser II can also disrupt large samples when used in combination with Grinding Jar Sets.


The ability to process up to 192 samples per run makes the TissueLyser II the ideal front-end solution to access biological information for genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics applications. For next-generation, high-throughput sequencing technologies, the TissueLyser II is the disruption instrument of choice. A wide range of QIAGEN sample purification kits are compatible with the TissueLyser II, and sample purification can be performed manually or can be automated using the QIAcube, QIAsymphony SP, EZ1 Advanced, or BioRobot or BioSprint workstations.