Cat no. / ID. 80504
The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit is a more eco-friendly version of our standard AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit designed for purifying both genomic DNA and total RNA from the same cell or tissue sample. Since there is no need to divide the sample into two for separate purification procedures, maximum yields of DNA and RNA can be achieved. The purified DNA and RNA are eluted separately and ready to use in any downstream application.
The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit uses 52% less plastic and 58% less cardboard than our standard kit and offers Waste Tubes made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic that you can reuse throughout the procedure. QIAwave buffers also come as concentrates, reducing the amount of plastic by up to 90% per bottle. To save paper, there are no printed protocols in the kit. Instead, you can download the protocols you need from the resources list or by simply scanning the QR code inside the box lid. So, while the kit packaging and components of our QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit may look different, it’s as easy to use as the AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit, and the chemistry and performance are identical.
Please be aware that you will need sterile glass bottles to store the reconstituted buffers.
In partnership with My Green Lab, we've assessed the environmental impact of this kit. My Green Lab ACT labels evaluate and score products on several sustainability criteria:
Products are scored from 1 to 10 except for energy and water consumption, which are scored 1 point per kWh or gallon, respectively. A low score means a lower impact (see figures "QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit ACT label US, EU and UK").
The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit gives you highly reproducible yields of DNA and total RNA from cells and tissues. The performance of our QIAwave AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit and AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit is identical because the chemistry is the same. (see figure “ DNA yields obtained with QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit” and figure " RNA yields obtained with QIAwave DNA/RNA Minit Kit"). Total RNA isolated with the QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit results in similar downstream RT-qPCR performance as total RNA isolated with the AllPrep DNA/RNA Kit. (see figure: RT-qPCR performance of total RNA isolated with the QIAwave AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit from cells and tissue samples)
We have also compared DNA and RNA yield obtained with the QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit where the buffer was prepared by pouring or pipetting and with the AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit using standard buffers. All methods result in comparable DNA and RNA yields as shown in the figure “ Handling of buffer concentrates”.
We’ve also shown that the kit outperforms kits from alternative suppliers with regards to DNA RNA separation (see figure " QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit RT-qPCR performance").
DNA and RNA isolated with the QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit showed high linearity in downstream dPCR over a wide range of input materials as shown in figure “ Linearity of dPCR copies using DNA from various starting amounts of tissue” and “ Linearity of dPCR copies using RNA from various starting amounts of tissue.”
The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit is designed to purify both genomic DNA and total RNA from the same cell or tissue sample. Since there is no need to divide the sample into two for separate purification procedures, maximum yields of DNA and RNA can be obtained. Efficient purification of high-quality DNA and RNA from different tissue types is achieved without the need for additional RNase or DNase digestion. The purified DNA and RNA are eluted separately and ready to use in any downstream application.
A simple spin-column workflow allows the purification of high-quality DNA and RNA from the same sample (see flowchart “ QIAwave DNA/RNA procedure”). Both cultured cells and easy-to-lyse tissues can be processed. Genomic DNA is purified using the novel AllPrep DNA spin column, and total RNA is purified using the RNeasy Mini spin column.
When disrupting and homogenizing tissues in Buffer RLT Plus (supplied with the QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit), excessive foaming may occur. This foaming is substantially reduced by adding Reagent DX (supplied separately) to Buffer RLT Plus at a final concentration of 0.5% (v/v) before starting disruption and homogenization. Reagent DX has been carefully tested with the kits, and has no effect on RNA purity or on downstream applications such as real-time RT-PCR. Buffer RLT Plus containing Reagent DX can be stored at room temperature (15–25ºC) for at least 9 months.
QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit is part of QIAGEN's solution for preparing multiple analytes from the same sample. These include Allprotect Tissue Reagent, which stabilizes DNA, RNA, and protein in tissues, and RNAprotect Cell Reagent, which stabilizes DNA and RNA in cells. Both reagents deliver immediate stabilization at room temperature. For tissues, TissueRuptor and TissueLyser systems provide fast disruption at low- to high-throughputs.
The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit can be automated on the QIAcube Connect using the AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit protocols.
The purified genomic DNA has an average length of 15–30 kb, depending on homogenization conditions, and is suited for any application, including next-generation sequencing, Southern-, dot-, and slot-blot analyses; and PCR, multiplex PCR and dPCR.
The purified total RNA can be used in any application, such as RNA-seq RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR and dPCR; differential display; cDNA synthesis; northern-, dot-, and slot-blot analyses; and microarrays.
ACT environmental impact factor labels are designed to evaluate and score products on several sustainability criteria. Products are scored 1–10 except for energy and water consumption, which are scored as 1 point per kWh or gallon, respectively. A low score means a lower environmental impact. The QIAwave DNA/RNA Mini Kit (50) has a 21.7% lower EIF in the US than the AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (50).
Features | Specifications |
Applications | PCR, real-time PCR, dPCR, microarray, blotting |
Technology | Silica technology |
Format | Spin column |
Sample type | Cells and tissue |
Processing | Manual (centrifugation) and automated (QIAcube Connect) |
Sample amount | 1 x 107 cells or 30 mg tissue |
Time per run or per prep | 35 minutes |
Elution volume | 100 µl |