What types of TB infection testing are available?
When it comes to TB testing, accuracy and speed are crucial. Healthcare providers will test for TB infection using either a TB blood test or a TB skin test. Both types of TB test can reveal whether a person is likely to be infected with TB bacteria.
There are key differences when comparing the TB skin test to the TB blood test . A TB skin test requires injecting tuberculin under the skin and checking the reaction 2–3 days later, while a TB blood test measures the immune response from a blood sample.
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus is the world’s leading TB blood test. It features unique CD8 T-cell technology to provide a more complete assessment of the patients’ immune response to TB.
What is an IGRA test?
An Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) is a the most common type of blood test used to detect TB infection. It measures the release of interferon-gamma by immune cells in response to TB-specific antigens, providing results without the need for a follow-up appointment.
Discover more about QuantiFERON TB testing
History of TB testing
TB diagnostics have advanced dramatically from the 1907 tuberculin skin test to today’s modern blood-based IGRA tests.
As the first test of its kind when released in 2001, QuantiFERON has led the way in IGRA field. Now in its 4th generation, with over 125 million tests distributed, QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus continues to drive TB testing and control efforts around the world.
What makes QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus the world’s leading TB blood test?
QuantiFERON uses an Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) to measure the T-cell immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). TB blood tests can improve your TB testing compared to the TB skin test.
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus offers cost-effective accuracy in TB testing
QuantiFERON-TB testing: Featured resources
How much is a QuantiFERON TB test?
QuantiFERON TB testing is cost-effective compared to the tuberculin skin test. The TST requires multiple visits, and increased false-positive results from prior BCG-vaccination can lead to unnecessary treatment and waste of resources. QuantiFERON simplifies this with one visit and one objective result, saving time and reducing errors.
You can check the local price and availability of QuantiFERON products in our webshop here, or you can discuss pricing with your local QuantiFERON distributor.
Where is QuantiFERON available?
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus testing is available in >130 countries worldwide. The test may be purchased directly from QIAGEN or may be sold through a local diagnostic test distributor.
Patients seeking TB testing with QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus should contact their healthcare provider.
Who can I contact to get started?
Are you ready to include QuantiFERON TB at your patient testing center? Or do you want to start running QuantiFERON tests at your diagnostic laboratory? Contact us today to get started.