カタログ番号 / ID. 339331
miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panelは、RNAサンプルの迅速かつ簡便な品質管理が可能です。そのため、qPCRプロファイリング研究に最適なサンプルのみを確実に使用することができます。 分離したRNAの品質をチェックして規定値外のサンプルを探したり、ヌクレアーゼとPCRインヒビターの存在を確認し、溶血の兆候を探すために、このPCRパネル(96または384ウェルフォーマット)をご利用ください。 これにより無駄な時間を削減し、最適なサンプルで実験を始められます。
miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panelは、サンプル品質とPCR効率を確認するためのユニークで包括的な手法が盛り込まれています。 このパネルは、培養細胞、組織サンプル、ヒト、マウス、ラット、サルおよびイヌの体液など、多くのサンプルタイプと互換性があります(miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panels can be used with a wide range of sample types 参照)。
このパネルを使用すれば、溶血の影響を受けた血清/血漿サンプル(Determine RNA yields using the RNA Spike-in Kit 参照)を含む不適格なサンプル(Assessing if samples are affected by hemolysis 参照)を見出すことができます。 これにより、研究室の時間とリソースが節約されます。
miRNA qPCR is the most commonly used technique for miRNA expression profiling. There are many advantages of using PCR: it is fast, sensitive and accurate. However, successful qPCR experiments depend on high-quality input RNA. Degraded RNA decreases the efficiency of the technique, and inhibitors can adversely affect the cDNA synthesis and amplification steps. For some samples, such as biofluids, determining the quality of the purified RNA can be difficult.
The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel offers a unique and comprehensive way to check your sample quality and PCR efficiency. The panel contains LNA-enhanced PCR primer sets that target miRNAs and spike-ins that can be specifically used for RNA quality control. These primer sets have been selected based on our extensive experience in miRNA qPCR and analysis of millions of datapoints.
When used in conjunction with the RNA Spike-in Kit, the panel can help you find differences in RNA yield and identify outlier samples (see figure Quickly identify outlier RNA samples). In addition, RNA spike-ins can be used to check the cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification efficiencies.
The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel contains assays for miRNAs that are expressed in a wide range of sample types and is therefore suitable for evaluating the samples in a biological context. Two of the miRNAs in the panel can be used to evaluate the level of hemolysis in samples such as serum and plasma.
The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel consists of 12 predefined assays for use in human, mouse, rat, monkey and dog samples (see figure Panel layout and table miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel coverage). The panel can be used for assessing RNA from a wide variety of samples, including tissue, cell culture and biofluids.
The panel is available in two formats:
The plates are produced in a ready-to-use format, which means that the primer sets are dispensed and lyophilized in the well in an amount sufficient for one 10 µl reaction per well.
Content | Assay | Function |
miRNA assay | miR-103 | Biological marker found in most tissues |
miRNA assay | miR-103 | Biological marker found in most tissues |
miRNA assay | miR-191 | Biological marker found in most tissues |
miRNA assay | miR-451 | Marker of hemolysis in serum/plasma |
miRNA assay | miR-23a | Internal control for hemolysis in serum/plasma |
RT assay | UniSp6 | Monitor cDNA synthesis |
Spike-in assay | UniSp2 | Control for the quality of the RNA isolation |
Spike-in assay | UniSp4 | Control for the quality of the RNA isolation |
Spike-in assay | UniSp5 | Control for the quality of the RNA isolation |
RT assay | cel-miR-39-3p | Monitor cDNA synthesis |
miRNA assay | miR-30c | Biological marker found in kidney |
miRNA assay | miR-124 | Biological marker found in cerebrospinal fluid |
Interplate calibrator/PCR control | UniSp3 | PCR efficiency control |
Quality control of the RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis steps of miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR experiments