カタログ番号 / ID. 333304
QIAseq Library Quant Arrayの高感度と広いダイナミックレンジを2つの異なる濃度のNGSライブラリーを用いて Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kitと比較しました。一つ目のライブラリーは両方のシステムで定量できましたが、濃度が低いほうのライブラリーはAgilent 2100 BioAnalyzerの検出限界以下でした。対照的に、QIAseq Library Quant Arrayは両方のライブラリ定量が可能でした(図 " QIAseq Library Quant Systemは従来法の検出限界以下の濃度をもつライブラリーの定量を実現”)。
The array format workflow (see figure QIAseq Library Quant Array workflow) begins with two tenfold dilutions of the sample library, to ensure that its concentration falls within the range of the serially diluted standards. The samples are mixed with QIAseq qPCR SYBR Green Mastermix and aliquoted in technical triplicate across the array plate. PCR is performed, and raw CT values are exported to the provided data analysis Excel file for automatic calculation of library concentration (Illumina platform) or template dilution factor (Ion Torrent/Proton platform).
The tube format workflow is similar to the array format workflow, with a few small differences. The procedure begins with preparation of five sequential tenfold dilutions of DNA Standard and two tenfold dilutions of the sample library. This ensures that the concentration of the library will fall within the range of the standard dilutions. Next, the diluted DNA standards and sample libraries are mixed with the provided PCR assay and the appropriate QIAseq qPCR SYBR Green Mastermix. PCR is performed, and CT values are exported to the provided data analysis Excel file for automatic calculation of library concentration (Illumina platform) or template dilution factor (Ion Torrent/Proton platform).