Cat no. / ID. WB120065
The QIAcard FTA PlantSaver format with 4 sample areas includes a laminated flap that allows you to vigorously crush plant or insect samples into the FTA matrix without damaging the FTA card.
Plant tissue is physically crushed on the card and the DNA binds to the matrix. The chemical coating on the FTA card protects the DNA from degradation and allows the cards to be stored at room temperature for extended periods of time. To prepare the sample for PCR, the matrix is washed with two nontoxic aqueous buffers. The DNA remains bound to the matrix throughout purification and a small disk (1.2 or 2 mm in diameter) of the matrix provides enough template for PCR analysis.
DNA is captured and stabilized by pressing plant samples onto the FTA matrix or by applying sample homogenate. Samples can be collected and stored at room temperature, or higher, for convenient collection in the field. Smaller sample sizes are needed as only young leaves are required, reducing growing time and speeding research. Purification is fast, taking just 30 minutes. PCR-ready DNA is purified on FTA in 3 simple steps, all in a single tube at room temperature.