Transfection Cell Database - Detailed View

Cell Line: TE671 rhabdomyosarcoma cell line

Cell Line Species/Tissue: Human / Muscle 
Transfection Reagent: Effectene 
Nucleic Acid:
Growth Medium:
RPMI 1640, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, penicillin (100 IU/ml)/streptomycin( 100 µg/ml) 
Percent Serum (%):
10 % foetal calf serum 
Reporter System:
Plasmid Purification Method:
Plate Format:
no information 
Number of Cells:
Percent Confluence(%):
no information 
Amount of Nucleic Acid (µg):
no information 
Amount of Enhancer (µl):
Amount of Reagent (µl):
no information 
Complex Incubation on Cells (hrs):
Analysis Performed Post-Transfection (hrs):
Transfection Efficiency (%):
Any modifications to the protocol?:
The non-classical MHC molecule HLA-G protects human muscle cells from immune-mediated lysis: implications for myoblast transplantation and gene therapy Heinz Wiendl, Meike Mitsdoerffer, Valeska Hofmeister, Joerg Wischhusen, Elisabeth H. Weiss, Johannes Dichgans, Hanns Lochmuller, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Arthur Melms and Michael Weller Brain (2003), 126, 176±185