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Transfection Cell Database - Detailed View

Cell Line: C2C12

Cell Line Species/Tissue: Mouse / Muscle Myoblast, Fibroblast  
Transfection Reagent: HiPerFect 
Nucleic Acid:
siRNA (dsRNA) 
Growth Medium:
DMEM High Glu 
Percent Serum (%):
Reporter System:
Plasmid Purification Method:
Plate Format:
6-well plate 
Number of Cells:
Percent Confluence(%):
90 % 
Amount of Nucleic Acid (µg):
150 ng 
Amount of Enhancer (µl):
Amount of Reagent (µl):
12 µl 
Complex Incubation on Cells (hrs):
24-72 h 
Analysis Performed Post-Transfection (hrs):
24-72 h 
Transfection Efficiency (%):
90 % 
Knockdown Efficiency (%): 10-50%  
Any modifications to the protocol?:
Analysis method: real-time quantitative PCR  