QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) dPCR Assays

For vector genome titration and vector copy number determination with superior accuracy, reproducibility and speed on the QIAcuity Digital PCR System


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dPCR CGT Assay 5' LTR (FAM)

Cat no. / ID.   250319

For 500x12 µL reactions (20x): QIAGEN Cell and Gene Therapy assay for 5' LTR to be used with the QIAcuity dPCR system.
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Kit componentKit
LV-specific targets
Reference genes
AVV-specific target
Regulatory elements
QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit
QIAcuity MasterMix (2x1mL)
Detection of
5’ LTR

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  • A broad offering of 18 different wet-lab validated dPCR CGT assays
  • Assays with different fluorophore choices allow multiplexing to sustain more information from one sample
  • An easy and fast workflow comparable to qPCR

Product Details

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentivirus (LV) are widely used viral vectors in cell and gene therapy applications. However, the generation and purification of the viral vectors require rigorous quality control to enable safe and reliable dosing during clinical studies or patient care. The ability to accurately quantify vector titers, detect contamination and determine vector copy number (VCN) is critical for safe and effective AAV-based and LV-based cell and gene therapies. 
The kit works in conjunction with the QIAcuity Digital PCR System and the QIAcuity Nanoplates
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The QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy dPCR Assays are a broad offering of 18 different wet-lab validated dPCR CGT assays that come in multiple fluorophores, enabling superior accuracy, reproducibility and a dynamic range of at least four orders of magnitude with speed in measuring viral titers in a multiplex setup. The assays work in conjunction with the QIAcuity Digital PCR System, dedicated QIAcuity MasterMixes and QIAcuity Nanoplates, offering an end-to-end dPCR workflow comparable to qPCR but delivering an absolute quantification of vector genome copies or vector copy numbers in your sample. The assays have been designed with the requirements of biopharma manufacturing and QC in mind. 


The principle of the dPCR reaction in the nanoplates is described here.

Dedicated CGT assays enable viral vector quantification, such as AAV and LV, on the QIAcuity. These assays are validated and can be used in singleplex and multiplex reactions and can be additionally combined with gene-of-interest assays, delivering: 

  • Accurate quantification down to 0.3 copies/µL
  • High precision over a broad dynamic range
  • High accuracy across assays (independent of fluorophores) and operators
  • High precision (<10% deviation from the mean) independent of fluorophores and operators
  • Compatibility with both dPCR and qPCR readout


The QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy dPCR Assays are provided in a 20x ready-to-use primer-probe mix, available in multiple fluorophore choices, and optimized for use with dedicated QIAcuity MasterMixes. These assays enable both singleplex and multiplex CGT applications, including absolute quantification of vector titer and assay robustness. 


The QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) dPCR Assays, together with the QIAcuity Nanoplates and the QIAcuity PCR kits, enable digital PCR applications, including:  

  • Viral vector titer 
  • Viral vector genome integrity 
  • Vector copy number (VCN) 
  • Residual plasmid (if using Amp plasmids for the production of AAVs) 

Incorporating these CGT dPCR Assays into the quality control process of cell and gene therapy development means greater certainty in producing safe and potent treatments. 

Supporting data and figures


Quick-Start Protocols (1)
Brochures & Guides (2)
This fact sheet explains the inclusion of PCR, qPCR and dPCR Kits in our Go Greener program.
Application Notes (2)
The QIAcuity dPCR System, complemented by the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.5 and higher, offers a powerful solution for determining DNA integrity and stability. Analyzing up to 5 targets simultaneously enables accurate and precise integrity assessment. The importance of determining genome integrity becomes particularly evident in analyzing viral vectors such as AAVs, which are known for their susceptibility to packaging errors. Moreover, dPCR is a valuable tool for assessing DNA stability, providing valuable insights into storage and processing impacts.
The QIAcuity dPCR System, complemented by the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.5 and higher, offers a powerful solution for determining DNA integrity and stability. Analyzing up to 5 targets simultaneously enables accurate and precise integrity assessment. The importance of determining genome integrity becomes particularly evident in analyzing viral vectors such as AAVs, which are known for their susceptibility to packaging errors. Moreover, dPCR is a valuable tool for assessing DNA stability, providing valuable insights into storage and processing impacts.
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Do I need to use restriction enzymes when quantifying AAV and LVV genomes?

In some cases, it is recommended to perform a digest with compatible restriction enzymes. For example, when quantifying ITRs, the strong secondary structure of the terminal repeats might affect titration. Compatible restriction enzymes are indicated in the corresponding data sheets of the CGT dPCR assays.

FAQ ID - 3866
How can I resuspend the lyophilized assay?

Please resuspend the lyophilized assays in 330 µl TE buffer to obtain a 20× stock. Additional information can be found in the QSP and the data sheets.

FAQ ID - 3864
Do you have any recommendations on how to process my AAV samples?

To ensure consistent and reproducible measurements of viral titers, we recommend the CGT Viral Vector Lysis Kit (cat. no. 250272/250273). It has been optimized to work in conjuction with the QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy dPCR Assays and the QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit on the QIAcuity instruments as part of a standardized and complete viral vector titer workflow.

FAQ ID - 3860
Are the assays also compatible with qPCR?

Yes. The assays can also be used for vector genome titration in a qPCR.

FAQ ID - 3871
In which channels can you detect the CGT dPCR assays?
Most of the assays are offered with a FAM, HEX, or Cy5 fluorophore, and can be detected in the Green, Yellow, or Crimson channel, respectively. SV40 poly A, hGH poly A, Amp resistance, KanR/NeoR, and PuroR assays are only available with a FAM or HEX fluorophore.
FAQ ID - 3863
How do I know if the assays are compatible with the sample DNA of interest?

An extended sequence context for each assay is provided in the corresponding data sheet. 

FAQ ID - 3870
What quenchers are used?

The probes are double quenched with ZEN/TAO and IOWA black quenchers.

FAQ ID - 3865
Can I combine your CGT dPCR assays with custom designed assays?

Yes, the CGT dPCR assays can be used in singleplex and multiplex reactions. Custom designed assays can be added into a multiplex reaction according to customer needs.

FAQ ID - 3861
Can the CGT dPCR assays also be used for the analysis of AAV genome integrity?

Yes. When multiplexing different targets, it is possible to get additional information on genome integrity using the “Multiple occupancy” analysis in the QIAcuity Software Suite.

FAQ ID - 3867
Can the CGT dPCR assays also be used for the quantification of non-AAV or non-LVV samples?

Yes. They can be used as long as the assays match the region of interest.

FAQ ID - 3868
How many assays can be multiplexed?

Two to five assays can be combined into a multiplex reaction depending on the QIAcuity Digital PCR platform, hence the 2-plex or 5-plex instruments.

FAQ ID - 3862
Can the QIAcuity One 2plex be upgrade to the QIAcuity One 5plex?
No. The QIAcuity platform introduces four variations: QIAcuity One 2plex, QIAcuity One 5plex, QIAcuity Four, and QIAcuity Eight. All of these have fixed channel combination.
FAQ ID - 9200
Which kit is recommended to isolate DNA for vector copy number (VCN) analysis?
We recommend the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit for DNA extraction.
FAQ ID - 4083
What is the optimal input range for VCN analysis?
Template gDNA amounts for VCN should ideally lie within 30–50 ng per reaction.
FAQ ID - 4084
How is the VCN calculated? Is there a formula for VCN determination?
VCN = 2 × (vector target copies ÷ human reference target copies)
FAQ ID - 4085
Is it possible to use the VCN assays (CGT dPCR Assays) for multiplex reactions?
Yes, multiplexing is possible.
FAQ ID - 4086