QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.2 or lower

The QIAcuity backup and restore scripts are a standalone solution to backup all relevant user data of the QIAGEN Software Suite for disaster recovery and restore the data on a new or existing QIAGEN Software Suite installation. The following QIAcuity Software Suite versions are supported: 2.0, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.2. The backup can be conducted manually or automated by using of the Windows task scheduler.

Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.

Please read the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts document for more information and instructions how to use the scripts.


File size
SHA1 checksum

Related Resources

For confirmation of software integrity during download and file transfer
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