Volume Precision Factor (VPF)

Version 9.0

 The Volume Precision Factor (VPF) offers a unique feature to secure precision of concentration results obtained from a QIAcuity dPCR run. 

In general, Nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. Potential variation of partition sizes in Nanoplate batches, caused by different microstructure molding forms, can be addressed by applying the batch specific VPF. Furthermore, the VPF includes well-specific volume information and therefore further increases precision of concentration calculation in each well of the Nanoplates.


Important note:

The Volume Precision Factor file version 9.0 is compatible with QIAcuity Software Suite version or higher. All lower versions, namely 1.2.18, 2.0.20,, and, require a QIAcuity Software Suite patch to be installed prior the upload of VPF version 9.0. Please read the Release Note for QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches for more information.

 If you are using QIAcuity Software Suite versions older than, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version prior the upload of VPF version 9.0. After updating to the latest QIAcuity Software Suite software version, no patching is needed. If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please run the patch for your Software Suite version following the instructions provided in the Release Note for QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.

 After downloading and updating the VPF file within the QIAcuity Software Suite, the VPF is applied automatically to the analysis of a corresponding Nanoplate batch. The VPF file includes information from all available microstructure molding forms and connected Nanoplate batches. It will be stored on the PC where the QIAcuity Software Suite is installed.

File size
SHA1 checksum

Related Resources

For confirmation of software integrity during download and file transfer