Cat. No. / ID: 339178
miRCURY LNA miRNA Mimics are designed to simulate naturally occurring mature miRNAs. Introducing an miRNA mimic into cells increases the proportion of RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC) containing the guide strand miRNA, enabling assessment of the phenotypic consequences of increased activity and discovery of new miRNA functions. miRCURY LNA miRNA Mimics have an innovative design that includes two short, LNA-enhanced complimentary strands that prevent any miRNA-like activity associated with the passenger strands, so you can be sure that phenotypes observed using these mimics are due to increased activity of the mimicked miRNA.
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miRCURY LNA miRNA Mimics have a unique and innovative design that includes three RNA strands, rather than the two RNA strands that characterize traditional miRNA mimics. The miRNA (guide) strand is an unmodified RNA strand with a sequence corresponding exactly to the annotation in miRBase. However, the passenger strand is divided into two LNA-enhanced RNA strands (see figure A unique triple RNA strand design). When designed correctly, these triple RNA strand mimics are as potent as traditional double-strand RNA mimics. The great advantage is that the segmented nature of the passenger strand ensures that only the miRNA strand is loaded into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) with no resulting miRNA activity from the two complementary passenger strands. Phenotypic changes observed with miRCURY LNA miRNA mimics can therefore be safely ascribed to the miRNA simulated by the mimic (see figure miRNA target identification with biotinylated mimics).
The distinct triple RNA strand design is enabled by incorporation of high-affinity LNA nucleotides into the two passenger strands. The sequence, length and LNA spiking pattern of the two passenger strands have been optimized using a sophisticated and empirically derived design algorithm.
miRCURY LNA miRNA Mimics have been predesigned for a large majority of human, mouse and rat miRNAs listed in miRBase. Since many miRNAs are phylogenetically conserved, this set of miRNA mimics covers a large proportion of vertebrate and invertebrate miRNAs. >