Can I use REPLI-g for SNP Genotyping?

Yes. Chromosomes are equally amplified. We and our customers use amplified DNA for SNP genotyping on a regular basis, using Illumina, TaqMan®, Sequenom, PCR, gel-based sequencing, and other techniques. Tzvetkov et al. (2005) used Affymetrix’ GeneChip Human Mapping 10K Arrays to investigate the accuracy and allele amplification bias in DNA samples subjected to MD-WGA with REPLI-g. They observed an excellent concordance (99.95%) between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) called both in the nonamplified and the corresponding amplified DNA. Genomic DNA for this study was extracted from blood samples of four unrelated donors using the QIAamp DNA Blood Kit. High-throughput microarray genotyping of 11 555 different SNPs was performed using GeneChip Human Mapping 10K Arrays version Xba131 (Affymetrix).

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