For purification of miRNA and total RNA from tissues and cells
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced SYBR® Green-based PCR
Custom 96- and 384-well plates of LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR assays
For exceptionally sensitive and specific miRNA profiling using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR
For quick and easy quality control of miRNA samples prior to SYBR® Green-based qPCR profiling
For quality control of the RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis steps of miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR experiments
For exceptionally sensitive and specific miRNA profiling using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR
For setup and optimization of miRNA quantification experiments using SYBR® Green-based qPCR
For extremely sensitive and accurate quantification of mature miRNA using LNA-enhanced, probe-based qPCR
For extremely sensitive and specific miRNA quantification using LNA-optimized, SYBR® Green-based miRNA PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For accurate and reliable lncRNA quantification using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For high-performance PCR with the miRCURY LNA miRNA Probe PCR System
For setup and optimization of miRNA in situ hybridization (ISH) experiments
For ultra-sensitive and specific miRNA detection by in situ hybridization (ISH) or Northern blotting
For ultra-sensitive and specific detection of novel miRNA sequences by in situ hybridization (ISH) or Northern blotting
For studying the effects of an individual miRNA on a single target site
For buccal and saliva samples
For efficient collection and recovery of DNA including crime scene trace and epithelial cells
To aid in the diagnosis of preterm labor (PTL)
For targeted sequencing of established autosomal and Y-STR markers
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of Exonuclease I in custom formulations.
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of E. coli Pyrophosphatase in custom formulations.
Messophilic, highly processive, replicative DNA Polymerase
For estimation of appearance and biogeographic ancestry with community-approved SNPs
For fast, targeted whole genome library preparation of SARS-CoV-2 for genomic surveillance and variant detection
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) in custom formulations.
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of T4 RNA Ligase 2 in custom formulations.
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of T4 RNA Ligase 1 in custom formulations.
For dye-based one-step RT-PCR on the QIAcuity digital PCR instruments
For the hands-free isolation of DNA from soil and stool using your automation workflow of choice
Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay
Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay
The NeuMoDx system and assays are intended for in vitro diagnostic use. Product availability may vary from country to country. Contact your country representative for further details.
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from Caenorhabditis elegans (worm) samples
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from fish total RNA samples
For rapid rRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from Drosophila melanogaster (fly) samples
To support customers developing in-house assays using real-time PCR molecular testing
OEM by QIAGEN offers bulk manufacturing of ER/A-Tailing Enzyme Mix in custom formulations.
NeuMoDx accessories, reagents and consumables are intended for in vitro diagnostic use. Product availability may vary from country to country. Contact your country representative for further details.
Urine collection and cell-free DNA stabilization from urine liquid biopsy samples
For targeted viral and bacterial sequencing using hybrid capture
For automated purification of ccfDNA from 1–192 samples using the QIAsymphony SP
For highly sensitive and specific one-step and multiplex qRT-PCR
For protease digestion during DNA and RNA preparation
In this webinar, we will take a look at a large-scale SNP-based forensic identification panel for DNA analysis with massively parallel sequencing (MPS). The panel was specifically designed for the challenges of identifying missing persons; where DNA is frequently highly degraded, and relationship tests may involve reference samples from across several generations and in a deficient pedigree.
The FBI CODIS Core Loci Working Group have published the recommendation that the CODIS core loci should be expanded, and a combination of STR markers from the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), and the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) should be used to improve the accuaracy of forensic testing.
QIAGEN has developed new kits — Investigator 24plex Kits — that coamplify all 23 recommended markers. The kits use novel 6-dye technology to keep the amplicon length of markers short while avoiding overlapping of markers. Kits are available for purified DNA from casework and for reference samples.
This webinar will outline the benefits of the Investigator 24plex Kits and highlight the improved workflow, which saves unnecessary re-runs of a sample by use of an internal “Quality Sensor” control.
This unique Quality Sensor can distinguish:
Successful amplification
Degraded DNA
Inhibited DNA
Failed PCR amplification
Join us to learn how to improve results and streamline your forensic STR analysis with the new Investigator 24plex Kits.
The core short tandem repeats (STRs) in worldwide use have served the forensic analyst very well for many years. Further, recent expansions of European Standard STR sets plus ongoing discussions to extend CODIS have brought powerful upgrades to the battery of core markers available. However, there are still scenarios when supplementary STRs could enhance the data necessary for interpreting complex forensic patterns: making safer inferences about relatedness across distant relationships in deficient pedigrees, and in the not too distant future, improving the specificity of familial searching or expanding the points of reference to better interpret mixed profiles.
The QIAGEN HDplex Kit contains 9 completely novel STRs in addition to ESS or CODIS D12S39, D18S51 and SE33 markers. On an average, these 9 novel STRs provide higher powers of discrimination than kits using the core loci alone.
This webinar will outline the completed studies on worldwide patterns of variability in the 12 novel HDplex STRs and their ability to enhance the power of paternity analyses when combined with existing markers.
It will also describe the upgraded pop.STR allele frequency browser which provides data for 23 core STRs plus a total of 28 supplementary STRs in 56 global populations.
Join us to learn more on:
Enhancing data necessary for interpreting complex forensic patterns with supplementary STRs
Making safer inferences about relatedness across distant relationships in deficient pedigrees
Improving the specificity of familial searching to better interpret mixed profiles