Transfection Cell Database - Detailed View

Cell Line: HeLa

Cell Line Species/Tissue: Human / Cervix; epithelial; adenocarcinoma 
Transfection Reagent: Effectene 
Nucleic Acid:
Growth Medium:
Percent Serum (%):
Reporter System:
Plasmid Purification Method:
Plate Format:
6-well plate 
Number of Cells:
Percent Confluence(%):
see publication 
Amount of Nucleic Acid (µg):
1 µg 
Amount of Enhancer (µl):
see publication 
Amount of Reagent (µl):
see publication 
Complex Incubation on Cells (hrs):
see publication 
Analysis Performed Post-Transfection (hrs):
see publication 
Transfection Efficiency (%):
see publication 
Any modifications to the protocol?:
Triplicate, paired transfections were used in parallel normal-oxygen versus hypoxic incubations, dishes being exposed to hypoxia for 18-24h commencing 24h after transfection.  
Identification of an angiogenic mitogen selective for endocrine gland endothelium, Jennifer LeCouter et al., Nature/Vol 412/ 30 August 2001