Featured core lab products

Featured core lab products

You want to push your research further and scale effectively but lack specialized in-house equipment, expertise and lab space to conduct your experiments or analyze your data or don’t have the budget. A shared resource like a core lab can be an economical alternative given that the samples you send for analysis are of the highest quality and are contamination-free to maximize the chances of a successful experiment. Failing to do so may result in an undesirable outcome and still cost you the services, which can add to the overall cost of a research project and become a particular concern for researchers working on tight budgets or deadlines.

DIY workflow steps Products
Nucleic acid extraction (manual) DNA
NGS library preparation DNA

Whole genome sequencing, amplicon sequencing, plasmid sequencing

Whole exome sequencing


Whole transcriptome sequencing, gene expression analysis

Digital PCR assay design GeneGlobe Design and Analysis Hub

Are you running a core facility that supports diverse basic and translational research projects? Here are a few reasons why QIAGEN products are particularly well suited to your centralized facility, which both academic researchers and external customers access.

  • Broad portfolio of products for diverse sample types and applications with the flexibility to customize
  • High-quality products to start or scale up experiments with superior performance
  • Proactive training and support to increase operational efficiencies with workflow optimization and instrument service